Exam Feedback November 2017 Part 1 Exam Feedback


New Member
Passed with 1221 with full time work and scheweser only. Daily 1.5 hrs of study for two months and 5 hrs on last three weekends does the wonders for me.


New Member
Passed with 1211. Was not very confident after writing the exam but now am extremely relieved that all the prep was not in vain!!

Congrats to the others who have cleared Level 1 and all the very best for Level 2.

This is a good start for 2018 :)


New Member
Didn't pass :( 2233. Will gear up for part 1 in May again David and continue to use your notes, this time even better. Thanks alot for your materials and forum access.
Congrats to those who cleared :)


New Member
Pass 1111. Thank you Bionic Turtle ... I have used BT, Schweser and GARP, but found that Schweser study prep is less representative to the actual test.


Hi. Passed 1111. Thanks BT. Congrats To all who passed and hope the best for those who failed that level 1 session and decide to retake it.


New Member
Passed. 3112. Big thanks to the BT team.
I only used BT materials and nothing else. With full time work and 2 yr old little one in the house, did it in about 9 weeks. Feeling happy and relieved to see the result.


Hey.congrats. I can see passed on my account. Where did you get this 1111 from ??????
Hi Kawal. In my case, below the "pass message" you can download/show your quartiles. It's maybe juste a question of time for you (update). It will be here soon. Congrats for your pass.