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  1. stephenjohn

    Exam Feedback May 2018 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Hi @Keshav - I am sorry to hear that you did not make it this time. What areas are you struggling with? I found that my biggest issue with both the FRM and CFA programs is being able to recall the sheer volume of material. You may find the below useful as a strategy (which is what I employed...
  2. stephenjohn

    Exam Feedback November 2017 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    I have finally received confirmation from GARP that I am now a certified FRM. Submitted on 8th Jan 2018 Certified on 16th Feb 2018 A big Thank You to @David Harper CFA FRM and @Nicole Seaman as well as all of the participants in the BT forums. I could not have achieved this without you. Stephen
  3. stephenjohn

    Exam Feedback November 2017 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    @riteshrr99 - No problem at all. An additional suggestion from my experience with the exam is to also remember the additions to Basel II.5. When doing the exam, thee was a question regarding the MRC under that set of regulations. I knew stressed VaR was included in Basel III, but couldn't...
  4. stephenjohn

    Exam Feedback November 2017 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Hello @riteshrr99 my advice would bet this *Concentrate on doing BT's questions and asking the people on the forum with regards to anything that may not be clear. (I did this all the time). Furthermore, I would make notes of the questions that I found the most difficult. Even though you may know...
  5. stephenjohn

    Exam Feedback November 2017 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    To paraphrase a famous Jedi master, “Hmmmm, Bionic Turtle, best FRM prep it is.”
  6. stephenjohn

    Exam Feedback November 2017 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    At the Exel Center in London I recall they did both. Perhaps I should have clarified that point.
  7. stephenjohn

    Exam Feedback November 2017 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Regarding work experience are references required?
  8. stephenjohn

    Exam Feedback November 2017 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Relieved that I passed considering that I totally messed up my exam timing and had to skim read so many of those rather long questions. Would like to say a BIG thank you to David and Nicole as without BT Imdoubt I would have made it. As I mentioned last year, the value of BT are the fantastic...
  9. stephenjohn

    Professor Jorion, chapter 7

    Hi @David Harper CFA FRM - I am having the same issue as I get 0.3987 instead of both matrix algebra and the formula for calculating the variance of a 2 asset portfolio. I have attached my calculations. Have I made a mistake or overlooked something? Many Thanks, Stephen
  10. stephenjohn

    Exam Feedback May 2017 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Hello - Did anyone sit the Exam in London. If so did they have a clock on the wall as they did not have one when I sat part 1 last Nov which made it almost impossible to determine how much time was left.
  11. stephenjohn

    Exam Feedback May 2017 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Hi Kl881 - Pardon my ignorance as I haven't finished the syllabus but what are Mapping Questions? Thanks
  12. stephenjohn

    Schweser test 97%, Boinic Turtle 10%. Foundations of Risk Management

    Hi Chatty - You are not missing anything. Schweser Q-Bank is useful for keeping simple concepts fresh in your mind but that's it. The only decent Schweser questions are the ones they have in their practice exams as the end of chapter exercises in their text books are overly simple and few in...
  13. stephenjohn

    Exam Feedback November 2016 Part 1 Exam Feedback

    I passed 2,1,1,2 I would like to thank David and Nicole as without BT I doubt I would have passed. I think kudos should be also given to the people who actively participate in the forums and answer a lot of questions that I and, others have asked during this journey. Their help as at times...
  14. stephenjohn

    Exam Feedback November 2016 Part 1 Exam Feedback

    Regarding the Wembley exam, they did not even have a clock so it was very difficult to manage time during the exam, (atleast in the Atrium). At one point they said we had 2 hours late and the a few minutes later told us we actually had 2.5. Does anyone know why they don't allow people to wear...
  15. stephenjohn

    R31.P1.T4- TUCKMAN CHAPTER 2- Discrete and Continuous Rates and FVs

    Hello - Regarding Tuckman Chapter 2, page 23, I think I understand the reason for why the bond prices in the blue area fluctuate, as the coupon rate starts of as being greater than the forward rates, and then end up as being lower than the forward rates later on. Unfortunately, I do not...
  16. stephenjohn

    FAQ Before Exam Resources for refreshing math skills

    No problem at all
  17. stephenjohn

    FAQ Before Exam Resources for refreshing math skills

    Hello @hellohi - Have you studied any finance in the past (either at university or in something like the CFA program)? Have you also looked at the solutions that David provides in the answers to the questions he writes? They are quite comprehensive so in order to save you time, my suggestion...
  18. stephenjohn

    Win prizes for forum participation!!

    Hi Nicole, Is it possible to save the $15 off the Bionic Turtle package to next year (when I will hopefully be studying for part 2) Many Thanks, Stephen