Schweser test 97%, Boinic Turtle 10%. Foundations of Risk Management


New Member
Hi All,

I purchased the GARP materials as well as the Schweser materials. I've just finished studying book 1 and completed the Schweser exam prep for foundations of risk management and my average score from the Q-Bank is 98%. I purchased Bionic Turtle as well for additional questions and materials and I took the interactive quiz for foundations of risk management and I got 10% correct! The questions were completely different in structure as well as the wording. I felt as if there was an entire book missing. Am I missing something here? Has anyone else experienced this? I literally couldn't answer any of these questions. How can they be so substantially different?


Hi Chatty - You are not missing anything. Schweser Q-Bank is useful for keeping simple concepts fresh in your mind but that's it. The only decent Schweser questions are the ones they have in their practice exams as the end of chapter exercises in their text books are overly simple and few in number (same for their CFA material although the notes in that case are pretty good). I passed Part 1 using mostly BT and my advice would be to do the same as David's questions are a lot tougher and better reflect the exam.

Good luck in your studies,



New Member

What about FRM Part I Practice Exam ? Is it enough to work with GARP materials and their FRM Part I Practice Exam ?



Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Hello, can u please help me from where do I get the bionic turtle practice questions..
Hello @Virgo

In order to gain access to our study materials, including the practice questions, you would need to purchase one of our FRM study packages. You can view our study packages, along with their features and pricing here: Once you have purchased, you will have access to the materials in the Study Planner. You can view samples in the study planner before purchasing also.

Thank you,
