Where to find study notes for FRM level II Exam ?


New Member

I see in the FRM Study notes section(Home > Premium > FRM Product > Study Notes) that the notes are only available for the following topics :-

2009 4. Valuation
2009 3. M&P
2009 2. Quantitative
2009 1. Foundations

Where can I find the notes for the Level II exam ?
Please advise.


David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi Melle -

There will be something (ie., some notes) in addition to the other materials, I just want to see the L2 AIMS from GARP to ascertain what is possible
(we have rough drafts already prepared based on 2009 AIMs. So the issue is simply: how much variance and new AIMS to re-write)...the L2 is supposed to arrive any day, so we will be able to say soon. Thanks, David