What financial calculator do I need to get for FRM 2008?


New Member
This is probably answered elsewhere...But I thought I should ask my friends here:--)

I've been using Excel as a calculator when it involves dealing with arithmetic containing "e", CDFs of random variables that are normally distbd etc. (e.g. pricing an option using BS formula.)

I am assuming for the actual exam, I won't have access to Excel. What financial calculator do I need to get -- so that they have all the functions that would be required for answering FRM questions?

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM


New Member
Thanks again David....I am on it....BTW, do these calculators also provide statistical functions like NORMSDIST, NORMSINV etc -- for instance to compute option prices using BS formulae...If not, how do we handle this during FRM?

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Good deal.

No, calculators (to my knowledge) do not give a way to get these values that, normally, you need the back of a statistics text for (e.g., critical z lookup table)

and the test does not expect you to know (except maybe -1.645 and -2.33). And maybe know the nature of the critical t (students t) such that sweet spot is 2-3 so, if you get high t, you'll can likely reject null.

but generally, test will have to give you a table snippet or give you assumptions, you will not have to conduct NORMSINV(), TTEST() on your own
