Western New York candidates - new closer exam site!


New Member
Hi all,

I'm from Buffalo, NY and sat (and thankfully passed Part 1) in May 2016. It was a pain having to get a passport and driving up to Toronto to pay $300 for a room I used for 6 hours.

Either way I was unhappy with the entire experience (terrible exam site) and contacted GARP a month ago to see if they'd consider having the exam at the University of Buffalo for the Dec exams. I got a so-so response back and figured they had just blown me off.

I'm happy to say they sent me an email today letting me know that they're working on opening a new exam site at the Niagara University in Niagara Fall, NY for the Nov exams. They said to register now with another exam site and that we can switch our exam site to Niagara University once it's added in the near future.