Suggestion for Forum participation


Hi David,

I am a member of BT since 2009 (not a paid one though) and I have benefitted immensely from the forum and practice questions. I cleared my FRM Part2 in Nov 2011.

I would still like to be an active member of the forum and would infact like to be part of the forum of paid candidates and try to contribute to them and help them.

I am not interested in the study material or videos any longer since I have already cleared FRM. Is there a plan that would allow me to be part of the premium forum without any study material access?


David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi Jas,

Thank you sincerely for your interest. We are thrilled you would like to visit even after passing the exam!

We are working on this. I mean, we are working on adding à la carte forum access for a reduced fee. However, you are a different situation, in my opinion. If I step back, the point of restricting forum access, as I imagine you understand, is that the practice questions are very time consuming and economically we simply must include those in the paid product. I think the other "use cases" include:
  1. Previous paid members whose paid membership has expired (this is not you, I understand, I am just thinking out loud): I will ask Suzanne but my opinion is that we should enable longtime forum access for previous but expired PAID customers, out of loyalty and appreciation.
  2. Members who just want paid access to the forum (maybe you?): our plan is to offer a reduced à la cart price (as this is back-door access to the raw practice questions)
  3. Contributors: in theory, I would be happy to give contributors (visitors who help others free access) but we don't have that worked out. For what it's worth, I always wanted the forum to be like this, but in practice, few make such contributions. Rather, candidates are understandably focused on their own goals so most posts are seeking help. So, i don't have a plan for this approach yet.
Per #2, the long-winded answer to your question is: yes, but we don't have it deployed yet.

If you have any ideas, I would love to hear?

Thanks for your interest, I have shared your post to our development project manager (so that, as we add the à la carte forum access, we can update here ....) Thanks, David


New Member
Hello David, Hello Suzanne,

I would like to bump this thread up. I am a paid member, who already studied BT and passed FRM exams.

I am quite interested in following the forum and its discussions. I would highly appreciate if you could clarify, whether you decided on p. 1 above? e.g. previous paid members whose paid membership has expired will still have longtime forum access after their subscription is expired. Thank you.

Best regards,

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi Pavel,

Thank you so much for your continued interest. Yes, we have decided that previous (paid) customer should enjoy perpetual forum access. I frankly think we have no choice if we are forward-looking: over time, my view is that your attention is the real currency that only builds in value. (how long will it be before we have to pay you for it?)

We don't have it implemented, yet. We have a number of tech "tickets" to do (including just a general forum upgrade), but you will be welcome here, as long as we are here! Thanks again!

(and, seriously, I've been working all weekend etc ... and it's my highlight that you, a former customer, would stop by and visit :) )


New Member

Thank you for such a warm reply! I really appreciate it.

I am happy to hear your news, and I think the BT forum is a very valuable piece of information for everyone in the risk management. I will keep following it and will try to contribute) Thank you.

Have a nice day!

Best regards,

Ashwin FRM

New Member
Hi David,
I recently found this site. I passed FRM in 2009. I began participating here. I noticed that in order to reply sometimes I had to code it in excel or derive the equations, read the background material etc, took a lot of time and then, also, I did not have access to certain parts of the forum to look at the interactions there. If there is a way to have access to the forum, that will be great. Since I was not a paid member, you may want me to make some payment, and that will be fine, as well.
With Regards,