You definitely want to understand @ShaktiRathore 's above relationship. Miller's Chapter 2 does a decent job. We don't use the continuous pdf too much. The pdf integrates to the CDF, and we're arguably more interested in the relationships around the CDF, as Shakti illustrates. For example, if probability (p) = 5.0%, then:
- p = 5% = F(q), where F(.) is the cumulative distribution function, so if we are given the probability of 5% because we want a 95% confident normal VaR, then we use the inverse CDF to retrieve the quantile:
- q = F^(-1)(p) = F^(-1)(5%) = -1.645, where F^(-1) is the inverse CDF. "Inverse" implies that F[F^(-1)(p)] = p; e.g., F[F^(-1)(5%)] = F[-1.645] = 5%, just like also F^(-1)[F(q)] = q. This is why Dowd says "VaR is just a quantile;" i.e., because -1.645 is the quantile (q) retrieved by using the inverse CDF given a probability (p) of 5%. This is an essential FRM building block. I hope that adds something.
Hi all,
I am struggling to prove left and right quantile relationship:
Right quantile (0.95) (x) = -left quantile (1-0.95) (-x)
I tried to prove with probability manipulations but struggle to get correct result.
Could you please help?
Thank you