P1 Focus Review: 2nd of 8 (Quantitative)

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
P1 Focus Review, 2nd of 8 (Quantitative Econometrics): Videos, Practice Questions and Learning Spreadsheets
  • The Part 1 (P1) 2nd (of 8) Focus Review video (Econometrics) is available here
  • We've streamlined (and updated) the associated Practice Questions into a single set, here at P1.T2. Stock, Chapters 2-7 (55 pages!)
  • We will be restoring, also, a consolidated set of Gujarati Practice Questions. I do strongly agree with LL that our historical set of Gujarati questions are highly relevant (see http://forum.bionicturtle.com/threads/gujarati.6132/)
  • I am still updating the Learning Spreadsheets (in the meantime, 2011 XLS still apply)
The Quantitative Topic (T2) is large so it will be divided over two focus reviews. This Review covers Stock & Watson's Econometrics, which I reduce to the following:
  • Random variables
  • Distributions
  • Inference
  • Regression
Random variables
You absolutely need to know the basic properties of variance and covariance. Please make sure you are comfortable with:
  • variance (aX + bY) = a^2*variance(X) + b^2*variance(Y) + 2*A*B*covariance(X,Y). And really handy is:
  • covariance(X,Y) = E[X*Y] - E[X]*E[Y]. Note, for example we can use this (i) to infer expected loss (EL) when PD*LGD are correlated and (ii) to find that Variance(X) = E[X^2] - (E[X])^2
In the video, I remind of the importance of the i.i.d. assumption. For example, scaling volatility or VaR over time requires i.i.d.. If one-day VaR is $10, then 10-day VaR is $10*SQRT(10) only if the returns are i.i.d.

Exam-wise the most likely applications here are: compute a mean (expected value) or compute a variance. An extremely popular question asks to find the variance of a two-asset portfolio, which employs the variance property above. BTW, can you employ it if one of the positions is a short position? (see this question which is formally P2 but could fall under P1 also: http://forum.bionicturtle.com/threads/professor-jorion-chapter-7.6139/)

Also, please get very comfortable with:
  • Marginal (i.e. unconditional) probability, versus
  • Conditional probability, versus
  • Joint probability
Here in introductory econometrics, we care mostly about the so-called sampling distributions:


In the exam, you are overwhelming likely to encounter two distributions:
  • Normal, and
  • Student's t: because this is for a test of the sample mean when we don't know the population variance
In regard to the normal distribution, please make sure you are comfortable with the standard normal and you understand the meaning of the the 1.645 and 2.33 deviates.


These standard normal deviates get us the most common FRM P1 metric: normal (parametric) value at risk (VaR) which is simply volatility scaled by a deviate (which is a function of desired confidence):
  • 99% VaR = 2.33*volatility, because if returns are normal, only 1% of the returns should fall into one-side tail which is 2.33 standard deviations away from the mean.
Exam-wise, calculations of skew and kurtosis are rare. Rather, you want to understand them qualitatively. Notice I included GARP's practice question which characterized skew with "long tail" (tricky because we might think of that as kurtosis!) and kurtosis as "peakedness" (tricky because it's uncommon: kurtosis primarily refers to LIGHT or HEAVY tail density).

The essential formula here is the standardization of an observed sample mean with: t = (observed sample mean - hypothesized mean)/standard error. The popular test is whether a coefficient is significant; that is, null hypothesis, H(0): population mean = zero.
A common application (e.g., regression) is then to divide the observed sample mean by the standard error, which really just produces a standard standard deviation. If this test statistic is really high (e.g., double digits), we can reject the null because we are far into the tail. If this statistic is low (e.g., below 2.0), our sample mean is not very far away from oour hypothesized mean, and we probably can't reject the null.

Other highly testable concepts here are:
  • Type I and Type II error, and
  • Interpretation of p-value (my tip is to think "I can reject the null with 1-p confidence or lower confidence [but not any higher confidence]")
The less testable concepts, historically, have been the theory around estimators.

Historically, the FRM has over-assigned regression, testing the superficial application and not testing the layer of theory. So, the essentials include:
  • Make sure you can interpret a linear regression; e.g., can you say what B2 means in the multivariate Y(i) = B(0) + B(1)*X(1i) + B(2)*X(2i) + ... B(k)*X(ki)
  • Make sure you can solve for the dependent (application of linear regression output)
  • I would understand homoskedasticity (is it a violation of an OLS assumption? If so, specifically how?)
  • You must know that R^2 = ESS/TSS = 1 - SSR/TSS (don't forget that in a univariate regression, R^2 is the square of the correlation coefficient)
  • In the video, I finished with a regression example. You do want to get comfortable with: looking at a regression output and being able to figure whether the coefficients are significant.


Active Member
Could you please correct me - B2 is the slope coefficient of the 2nd independent variable x2i ? I am assuming that the slope coefficient for x1i is B1. Thanks

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi bhar, yes, also called a partial slope coefficient (as its impact on the dependent is partial, not entire). As in the FR on Stock&Watson, the meaning is maybe more important: "The B(1) slope coefficient, for example, is the effect on Y of a unit change in X(1) if we hold the other independent variables constant"


Active Member
On a graph, there would be multiple lines ? And would be converging on the intercept. Because we have only one intercept. Please correct me.

Vince Loh

Hi David, how often is your notebook updated? some of your materials here have been removed - does that mean there is a later version available? I have purchased the professional package, can you show me how to fully utilized what i've purchased please? Thanks in advance.

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Hello @VinceL

We begin to update the study planner in January of each year to coincide with the current GARP curriculum. Anything that is not in the study planner has either not been published yet or it is no longer relevant to the 2015 curriculum. Please see our announcement HERE regarding our updating process. You can also view the updated materials that have been published (so far) HERE for Part 1. We will continue to publish new materials according to perceived priority throughout this second semester (until the November exam).

Thank you.
Hi @David Harper CFA FRM CIPM i read a lot of your posts and the way you handle the query precisely, really great. I have a query please help me to understand that is How to calculate Bond portfolio VaR using Historical Simulation and Monte carlo simulation. I know how to calculate by parametric method but i am not able to find he way around of other two ways, If you have any excel Based model that if you can share would be really helpful, please help me out, thanks....


New Member
P1 Focus Review, 2nd of 8 (Quantitative Econometrics): Videos, Practice Questions and Learning Spreadsheets
  • The Part 1 (P1) 2nd (of 8) Focus Review video (Econometrics) is available here
  • We've streamlined (and updated) the associated Practice Questions into a single set, here at P1.T2. Stock, Chapters 2-7 (55 pages!)
  • We will be restoring, also, a consolidated set of Gujarati Practice Questions. I do strongly agree with LL that our historical set of Gujarati questions are highly relevant (see http://forum.bionicturtle.com/threads/gujarati.6132/)
  • I am still updating the Learning Spreadsheets (in the meantime, 2011 XLS still apply)
The Quantitative Topic (T2) is large so it will be divided over two focus reviews. This Review covers Stock & Watson's Econometrics, which I reduce to the following:
  • Random variables
  • Distributions
  • Inference
  • Regression
Random variables
You absolutely need to know the basic properties of variance and covariance. Please make sure you are comfortable with:
  • variance (aX + bY) = a^2*variance(X) + b^2*variance(Y) + 2*A*B*covariance(X,Y). And really handy is:
  • covariance(X,Y) = E[X*Y] - E[X]*E[Y]. Note, for example we can use this (i) to infer expected loss (EL) when PD*LGD are correlated and (ii) to find that Variance(X) = E[X^2] - (E[X])^2
In the video, I remind of the importance of the i.i.d. assumption. For example, scaling volatility or VaR over time requires i.i.d.. If one-day VaR is $10, then 10-day VaR is $10*SQRT(10) only if the returns are i.i.d.

Exam-wise the most likely applications here are: compute a mean (expected value) or compute a variance. An extremely popular question asks to find the variance of a two-asset portfolio, which employs the variance property above. BTW, can you employ it if one of the positions is a short position? (see this question which is formally P2 but could fall under P1 also: http://forum.bionicturtle.com/threads/professor-jorion-chapter-7.6139/)

Also, please get very comfortable with:
  • Marginal (i.e. unconditional) probability, versus
  • Conditional probability, versus
  • Joint probability
Here in introductory econometrics, we care mostly about the so-called sampling distributions:


In the exam, you are overwhelming likely to encounter two distributions:
  • Normal, and
  • Student's t: because this is for a test of the sample mean when we don't know the population variance
In regard to the normal distribution, please make sure you are comfortable with the standard normal and you understand the meaning of the the 1.645 and 2.33 deviates.


These standard normal deviates get us the most common FRM P1 metric: normal (parametric) value at risk (VaR) which is simply volatility scaled by a deviate (which is a function of desired confidence):
  • 99% VaR = 2.33*volatility, because if returns are normal, only 1% of the returns should fall into one-side tail which is 2.33 standard deviations away from the mean.
Exam-wise, calculations of skew and kurtosis are rare. Rather, you want to understand them qualitatively. Notice I included GARP's practice question which characterized skew with "long tail" (tricky because we might think of that as kurtosis!) and kurtosis as "peakedness" (tricky because it's uncommon: kurtosis primarily refers to LIGHT or HEAVY tail density).

The essential formula here is the standardization of an observed sample mean with: t = (observed sample mean - hypothesized mean)/standard error. The popular test is whether a coefficient is significant; that is, null hypothesis, H(0): population mean = zero.
A common application (e.g., regression) is then to divide the observed sample mean by the standard error, which really just produces a standard standard deviation. If this test statistic is really high (e.g., double digits), we can reject the null because we are far into the tail. If this statistic is low (e.g., below 2.0), our sample mean is not very far away from oour hypothesized mean, and we probably can't reject the null.

Other highly testable concepts here are:
  • Type I and Type II error, and
  • Interpretation of p-value (my tip is to think "I can reject the null with 1-p confidence or lower confidence [but not any higher confidence]")
The less testable concepts, historically, have been the theory around estimators.

Historically, the FRM has over-assigned regression, testing the superficial application and not testing the layer of theory. So, the essentials include:
  • Make sure you can interpret a linear regression; e.g., can you say what B2 means in the multivariate Y(i) = B(0) + B(1)*X(1i) + B(2)*X(2i) + ... B(k)*X(ki)
  • Make sure you can solve for the dependent (application of linear regression output)
  • I would understand homoskedasticity (is it a violation of an OLS assumption? If so, specifically how?)
  • You must know that R^2 = ESS/TSS = 1 - SSR/TSS (don't forget that in a univariate regression, R^2 is the square of the correlation coefficient)
  • In the video, I finished with a regression example. You do want to get comfortable with: looking at a regression output and being able to figure whether the coefficients are significant.

Hi David, you said in 2012:
the FRM has over-assigned regression, testing the superficial application and not testing the layer of theory.

I wonder if it is still the case in 2015.
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David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi @DTu Yes, I still have that opinion; for example, the GARP's 2015 Sample exam contains (I think) three linear regression questions; typically, none are deep theory, they are practical or application-based. The most theoretical question is:
1. A risk manager performs an ordinary least squares (OLS) regression to estimate the sensitivity of a stock's return to the return on the S&P 500. This OLS procedure is designed to:
a. Minimize the square of the sum of differences between the actual and estimated S&P 500 returns.
b. Minimize the square of the sum of differences between the actual and estimated stock returns.
c. Minimize the sum of differences between the actual and estimated squared S&P 500 returns.
d. Minimize the sum of squared differences between the actual and estimated stock returns.