Exam Feedback November 2022 Part 1 Exam Feedback

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Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
We appreciate all of your feedback on what everyone experienced on exam day! A big reason for this is that we do not ever see what is on the exams, so our customers' feedback helps us to improve our materials and support to reflect more of what will be tested on the actual exams. We only have this feedback and GARP's practice exams to refer to (and those practice exams have not always been reflective of the difficulty of the actual exams), so thank you so much to all of you for providing feedback and suggestions on how we can improve.


New Member
Hi, passed with 3,2,2,1. Many thanks to BT, the studying material is high end, the forum is really adding value. A difference I noticed is that Garp questions are designed to be answered on average faster than the one of BT that are more elaborated. To achieve this the learning objectives are tested by Garp using more theoretical/blended questions built with traps.


New Member
I second this, the qualitative questions in the exam (which were around 70%) were very tricky.
I agree with this since I focused a lot on the Quantitative aspects and failed 2333, totally sure that I nailed all the quantitative questions, and was equally perplexed by the overwhelming number of qualitative questions which I got in exam and due to which I feel I could not pass this time.


New Member
Folks, I have a question for all those passed and specially those who passed with high quartile scores, how did you guys study for the qualitative questions. I am totally sure that BT notes, videos and QA bank make be sufficient to pass the FRM level 1, I am myself to blame as my own focus was never really on the qualitative aspects but more on the quantitative portions. But as all of you can understand that to prepare again for the next attempt in May 2023 takes a lot of will power, getting over the recent failure and a lot of determination, all of which I am prepared to put in, but I would want to seek your guidance as regards the qualitative questions and the manner in which all you passers prepared for them for a pass in the exam, since I don't want to again fail by doing things my own (fundamentally flawed way).

Expecting advise and guidance from the mentors, legends and all my fellow passers and even those who didn't pass but did better than me.

For record I scored 2333 in Nov 2022 FRM level 1.
Passed as well with 1111.

Folks, I have a question for all those passed and specially those who passed with high quartile scores, how did you guys study for the qualitative questions. I am totally sure that BT notes, videos and QA bank make be sufficient to pass the FRM level 1, I am myself to blame as my own focus was never really on the qualitative aspects but more on the quantitative portions. But as all of you can understand that to prepare again for the next attempt in May 2023 takes a lot of will power, getting over the recent failure and a lot of determination, all of which I am prepared to put in, but I would want to seek your guidance as regards the qualitative questions and the manner in which all you passers prepared for them for a pass in the exam, since I don't want to again fail by doing things my own (fundamentally flawed way).

Expecting advise and guidance from the mentors, legends and all my fellow passers and even those who didn't pass but did better than me.

For record I scored 2333 in Nov 2022 FRM level 1.
As mentioned in other exam feedback threads, it is quite worth it to go through the end of chapter questions of the GARP books as they give a different and sometimes more "qualitative" angle to the topics.
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