We hope that everyone did well on the FRM Part 1 exam!
We would love to hear any feedback that you have about the exam. How did the exam go? Did you encounter unexpected questions? Thank you in advance for any feedback you can provide!

@YTan9184 Thank you for your feedback. Yes, the questions that David writes have always been a bit more in-depth than the actual exam questions. He purposely does this so you are fully prepared for the concepts that will be testedHi Nicole,
Speaking from my experience with the November Part 1 exam, I thought the questions were much shorter than the kind of questions posted by David. That being said, the exam was much more qualitative than I thought it would be, with only about 30-40 questions requiring calculations. The qualitatie questions were tricky though. Not very confident in passing but fingers crossed... hope everyone gets the results they hope for
Best Regards,
Yu Xuan
I second this, the qualitative questions in the exam (which were around 70%) were very tricky.Passed with 1111. Thanks to all the staff of BT for the work!
My feedback: I think that the QBank should contain some more theoretical questions. I cannot deny that the material you furnish is high-end, but the exam is for the major part focused on tricky theoretical questions: I think that adding a little bit more of that would be nice. The theoretical questions that are in-force now helped me a lot on the exam (more than the numerical questions actually).
Greetings from Italy!