Exam Feedback November 2017 Part 2 Exam Feedback


New Member
Thank you David and to fellow candidates who have shared their experiences. I submitted work experience on the 4th of Jan and am still waiting. I am not sure about the estimated turnaround time but I thought it has been more than a month without hearing anything and it does feel a little bit long, which is why I followed up with GARP in the form of an e-mail.


New Member
Congrats! I submitted just 4 hours after you, so if they have a FIFO method going I could be approved anytime in 2018.
No, obviously no FIFO. I submitted on 3rd Jan, 5.30 CET and didn't receive anything from GARP up now:( It's quite annoying...
Just receveid a reply from GARP. They are reviewing, be patient. I submitted at 11am CET 3rd jan. I am in Italy. As soon I receive
confirmation will post that
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The only doubt is FIFO, LIFO or whatever. More a random walk. Anyway no problem at all, ready for the next step (ERP, CFA or new job)? Ad maiora
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I don't think that where you are from will affect the order that it is reviewed but I may be wrong.

Anyway, let's hope the good news keeps coming today. It's 1015 in NJ now.....
Got an answer from GARP today:

Your CV/Resume will be reviewed in the order in which it was received. We are working hard to have all of them processed in time to meet the upcoming distribution date.

I submitted my work experience January 3 at 8 AM CET.


New Member
Congratulations to all who have been certified. Really happy for you.
Will probabably take a bit longer for me as I submitted at about 1am Eastern Standard Time on the 4th of Jan.