Exam Feedback November 2016 Part 1 Exam Feedback


New Member
You will need to pass the FRM Exam Part II by November 2020. Otherwise you will have to re-enroll in the FRM Program as a new candidate.

Registration is not available while awaiting results

These are two saffron boxes in the dash boards.. Whether everyone is able to see the reminder message.


Active Member
Log out from the personal page. Go back to Garp.org and without logging in press on Register for FRM and follow the procedure. Till this afternoon i was not able to register but now i can.


New Member
I also didn't get any such message... I think it should to allow me to regiter for L1 again, if not for L2...


New Member
@antogiar or any else can check to re-enrol for L1, if some one passed L1 it should not allow to re-enrol but it should allow for L2 enrolment...


New Member
I can see the message too and tried what @antogiar says, it lets me register for Part II only!
Do you really think this means something?


New Member
@Pnkjking... after login I am not able to any msg as well any link for further registration neither for L1 nor for L2... I think, I failed...


New Member
I think those who all able to see the msg, it's a go ahead sign, so all you guys cheer up...


Well-Known Member
sorry guys, I am a Part II candidate and my status changed from saying 'yo have to pass part II until 2020' and now it is '
Your enrollment will expire on November 2021' and if I try to register for Part II it says 'there are no exams to register for'.
This is what I am getting. Note I had previously registered to do Pts I and II on the same day and eventually deferred Part II as I wasn't ready for it.


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New Member
@Pnkjking... after login I am not able to any msg as well any link for further registration neither for L1 nor for L2... I think, I failed...
I guess its better not to assume anything before the results come out. This is going to be a long night :)
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