Exam Feedback November 2016 Part 1 Exam Feedback


New Member
Don't think they ready yet. It just launches and then shows nothing.

Happy and going to sleep. Sure the GARP website must be creaking with all the people checking to see if they passed.


Well-Known Member
Keep calm. Quartile results will come during the day. It takes some time, dont freak out ;) the pass/fail information is important, not the quartiles.


Seems like a lot of people are passing. Did anyone not pass? Sorry for the question, just want to make sure these results are legit.


Well-Known Member
guys, beyond the discussions can all of you please give credit to David? He really deserves it! And not forget Nicole as well.
To all those guys who liked my contributions (in particular in the field of Investment Risk): even if I passed both Parts now I will more than ever be part of this forum sharing my ideas and be there to help you!
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