Exam Feedback November 2015 Part 2 FRM Exam Feedback


New Member
I came across this forum after I completed level 1 in Dec 14 and was looking for some information about what others thought about the exam while waiting for the results. I am putting in my comments hoping it would prove useful to other candidates in future.

I passed with 21222.

I used both the Garp textbooks and Bionic Turtle materials. I think Bionic Turtle and the way it organised its website.

I reckon I could have done much better had I taken BT materials more seriously. For example the question on Jensesn's inequality was covered by BT, yet I missed it in the exam.

It should be possible to do well by focussing on BT, but dipping into the textbooks in cases you think you need more to grasp the topic.

In the past I read comments saying the GARP sample questions are too weak. I disagree, I think if you review the most recon years, they cover the standard of the exam. Of course in the exam there were multi page questions. However if you break them down, they probably consolidate several sample questions.


New Member
does anyone know when we can formally display the FRM designation? is it only after receiving the physical certificate?


Well-Known Member
Dear BT
I don't know how to express my gratitude to everyone of you, the members, the students and all. I have cleared part II!
Thanks @David Harper CFA FRM for all the support you have rendered me and of course @Nicole Manley
Looking forward to having more enlightening discussions in this forum and learning and relearning all the concepts as a step towards continuous Risk Education

Manikandan Venkataramanan


New Member
Exactly 2 years ago, i was in your situation and stressed that I failed. I managed to find all the answers to the 80 questions in this forum and looking at other resources. Anyway, I found out that 41 questions correct and all the rest incorrect (with a confidence level of 100% because I remembered exactly what i answered to every questions) and guess what, I scored 1,1,1,2,1. I know its hard to believe but why would I lie, I am not selling anything and you can still check my posts on this forum in 2013, you will see that I was there. So, relax, enjoy your time and i can guarantee that with your 35, 25, 20 you are almost guarantee to pass. Hard to believe but anyone who wants to challenge me on that, be prepared, because I am speaking out of experience (my experience and friends experience too). And the same goes for CAIA that I just cleared (made a LOT of mistakes and still passed it). Just relax

Hi... You are 1000% correct. Today results were released and I have passed with 12113... above my expectations... Thanks.


For those that passed, could you share

1)Your score
2)Approximately how much of BT notes did you go through?
3)Approximately how much of BT questions did you manage to complete before the exam?

A quick approximation would do, with so many questions, i highly doubt i can finish all before the upcoming exam
This will be helpful for those intending to sit the upcoming exam! thanks!


Cleared both 2232 and 32321. Very happy!!! Words cannot express gratitude to David and Nicole. Without BT a non-finance person like me had no chance.


Hi Tipo

For your interest:
1) 2,2,1,3,4
2) I think I read all the notes (but more like a "skim reading"). For more details I used the GARP Books
3) To speak the truth - I did nearly no exercises (at least in a classical sense). I followed my own strategy: I created a formula summary out of the Bionic Questions and GARP Exams (similar to this one from Bionic Turtle) but more straight to the point. Then I went (every day) to the summary 2-3 weeks before the exam. Additionally I made another summary of the qualitative Part. So I start to begin my seriously learning out of my summaries (and only from my summaries) 3-4 weeks before the exam. But I wouldnt recommend this strategy... this kind of learning can be quite risky.
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For those that passed, could you share

1)Your score
2)Approximately how much of BT notes did you go through?
3)Approximately how much of BT questions did you manage to complete before the exam?

A quick approximation would do, with so many questions, i highly doubt i can finish all before the upcoming exam
This will be helpful for those intending to sit the upcoming exam! thanks!

1) 1,1,1,1,1
2) Every single one, BT notes where my sole source of study (only very quick complementary read through GARP books). I worked chapter per chapter and usually watched the video first (if available), then went through the study notes 1/2 times.
3) After the above, I had a second round of study going chapter by chapter where I first reviewed the study notes again and then made all exercises. I indicated the ones i had wrong and revised those again before the exam. In my last and final round i then reviewed everything again during the week before the exam + all practice exams (BT, GARP).

As additional information: i traced my study efforts and I have put in 250 hours of study in total, starting mid-May. I worked consistently every weekend.

Best of luck!


Regarding uploading work experience, I mailed GARP and their response is that they are having technical difficulties on their web site and are working on the issue.

Matthew Graves

Active Member
For those that passed, could you share

1)Your score
2)Approximately how much of BT notes did you go through?
3)Approximately how much of BT questions did you manage to complete before the exam?

A quick approximation would do, with so many questions, i highly doubt i can finish all before the upcoming exam
This will be helpful for those intending to sit the upcoming exam! thanks!

1) P1: 1,1,1,1 P2:1,3,1,1,1
2) All of them
3) Probably about 70%, with focus on areas that I found difficult or that end of chapter questions indicated I needed more time on.

I used the BT notes for all of my study except for those sections where there were no BT notes. In those cases I referred to the GARP provided materials.

I probably studied for about 100-120 hours for each part. I found that downloading the BT pdf notes to my Kindle and then reading them through on the train to/from work allowed me to fit in quite a bit of revision, saving the evenings for re-reading/questions.

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
@David Harper CFA FRM ,

Can you please guide us how to submit 2 Years Experience as final step to get FRM. Thanks in advance.
Hello @Vishwa

Another member noted this a couple of comments below your post: "Regarding uploading work experience, I mailed GARP and their response is that they are having technical difficulties on their web site and are working on the issue."

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Congratulations to those of you who passed, and to anyone that did not, try again and don't give up! ;) Now that the results are out, it would be helpful to our new members, and to anyone returning to take the exam again, if some of our members could post their study plans here in this thread to organize them in one place for reference: https://forum.bionicturtle.com/threads/bionic-turtle-study-plan-guide.8670/.

Thank you,



Hello @Vishwa

Another member noted this a couple of comments below your post: "Regarding uploading work experience, I mailed GARP and their response is that they are having technical difficulties on their web site and are working on the issue."

Its now possible to submit the relevant work experience under "My Program".