Exam Feedback November 2015 Part 2 FRM Exam Feedback


New Member

Regarding your question about how much will change in the 2016 GARP curriculum, I just wanted to point out our curriculum analysis spreadsheet is posted in the announcements section of the forum. Each year, we create this spreadsheet as a quick reference to the changes that are made from year to year. Here is the link to that post: https://forum.bionicturtle.com/threads/2015-2016-curriculum-change-analysis.9173/. This is also a thread in our forum where our members have posted their study plans: https://forum.bionicturtle.com/threads/bionic-turtle-study-plan-guide.8670/. I hope these help! :)


Thanks a lot for the help. The study strategies page is really helpful and inspiring. Much appreciate.
Would be great to have information on:
1. BT Study notes 2. BT Practice questions and 3. BT videos .

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member

Thanks a lot for the help. The study strategies page is really helpful and inspiring. Much appreciate.
Would be great to have information on:
1. BT Study notes 2. BT Practice questions and 3. BT videos .
Hello @soubhg01

What kind of information are you looking for regarding the BT Study Notes, Practice Questions and Videos?


New Member
Hello @soubhg01

What kind of information are you looking for regarding the BT Study Notes, Practice Questions and Videos?
1.How to access those materials?
2.Are they updated regularly as per changing FRM curricula?

I have heard a lot bout BT materials in various forums and intend to make it an integral part of my study plans for my next attempt for FRM Part II. Additionally wish to make full use of BT forums as well.


Active Member
Hi @soubhg01,

1.) you can access them by the clicking on 'Study Planner'. Depending on what BT-product you have purchased you can there download the Study Notes, Videso etc.

2.) They are updated regulary but not all at once in January. They are updated from January to May. If you consider that in your study plans, you will have the possibility to learn also all updated materials until the exam. @Nicole Manley has opend a thread on the updating process for 2016 under https://forum.bionicturtle.com/thre...-publishing-process-for-2016.9172/#post-39084

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Hi @soubhg01,

1.) you can access them by the clicking on 'Study Planner'. Depending on what BT-product you have purchased you can there download the Study Notes, Videso etc.

2.) They are updated regulary but not all at once in January. They are updated from January to May. If you consider that in your study plans, you will have the possibility to learn also all updated materials until the exam. @Nicole Manley has opend a thread on the updating process for 2016 under https://forum.bionicturtle.com/thre...-publishing-process-for-2016.9172/#post-39084

Thank you @Aenny for your detailed response :)


New Member

Have you started checked results in GARP website. I have checked, But still the status says Coming soon (Waiting is not over yet :( ).

Fyi, For Part-1, I did not receive any email, but the result was available in GARP website.

If you found your results, please update the forum so that others can check. Thanks In advance and ALL THE BEST !!!


New Member
Says i passed, i can now input job experience. Go into program info and it will be there as pass or fail already although there are no actual exam marks there yet when you click exam results button.

Financial Risk Manager Program
FRM Exam Part II

Congratulations! You Passed
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New Member
2, 2, 1, 1, 2. Last time was all 1's but i did only start studying 3rd of November so overall i guess i cant complain

Now CFA, CFP, FRM + two Canadian only designations. Next up ERP and CMT
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All the best for others who are yet to check in. No mail has been received but the results are available on the website


New Member
Pass 23232

Only used the readings and GARP provided practice exams.

Would definitely not recommend anyone not using help such as BT, because going through all the readings despite fun for the engaged candidate is very time consuming and requires a good amount of sacrifice. Also very stressful as passive only studying vs tricky exam questions is not a perfect match