No writing on the exam booklet rule


New Member
Hi Guys,

I am sure I am paying attention to the proctor when I took the exam. He said that you can use the middle part of the booklet to use as a scratch paper. He did not however mention that we are not allowed to write solutions on the exam. Now I am worried that my exam would not be graded. I did fail to read all the instructions in the back of the booklet. Did anyone recall a rule there?


New Member
I did too @ckat. I just read the thread on the exam feedback for both frm part 1 and 2. Aside from the complain on having no clock in the room, some posted that they were told not to write on the exam booklet. Glad I am not the only one who did that. But I sure hope it's not a violation. :|


New Member
Hey everybody, my girlfriend and I both wrote on the booklet, didn't say anything that we were not allowed to. I mean why should this be a violation, they won't even take a look at the booklet. They just take a look at the answer sheets..

So don't worry guys ;-)


New Member
They meant that answers and notes on the exam booklet will not be graded. It doesn't matter whether you take some notes in the middle of the booklet or at each question. furthermore, you have to specify exactly, that the scratch paper would also be "in the exambooklet", so take it easy :-D


New Member
i asked Miss Proctor and she said it's ok to write ( at least that's the case here in Singapore and we had few clocks in the room ) !!!


Active Member

I have also worte into the entire booklet on the Part I exam and passed. So don't worry!