New Product Price Scheme & Discount Code


Active Member
Hello David, Suzanne,

I just saw you changed the pricing scheme for your product :

- Tier 1 (P1 or P2) = $249
- Tier 2 (P1 or P2) = $349
- Tier 3 (P1 or P2) = $449

Since I think the videos are valuable, I would like to either purchase the Tier 2 or Tier 3 for FRM Part II. But frankly, I think the Tier 3 is a bit pricey (extra $100 just for the learning spreadsheets).

So, my question is: if I opt for Tier 2 now, and realize that I really need the spreadsheet, is it possible to pay for the upgrade (Tier 2 => Tier 3) ?

Also, you propose discount codes for :

- Returning customers:
- International purchases;

Could you specify what are the conditions to be a returning customer (i.e. purchase P1 last lear, and purchase P2 the next year; or need to purchase the same product) and also what are the countries eligible for International purchase discount.

Thank you very much for your answer !



Suzanne Evans

Well-Known Member
Can you upgrade? Yes, but at this time I think we would have to do that manually. However, please keep in mind that your ORIGINAL purchase date under the Tier 2 product would remain the same. So we would simply add excel spreadsheets to your products but your expiration date wouldn't increase according to the upgrade date.

Yes, we do offer discounts on the individual courses. If you are a returning customer you would receive a $50 upgrade. Please request a discount code here. You will have to request the code under the Part 1 + Part product, but please note which product you are wanting to purchase because the discount is geared specifically towards a product and your account. We are working to have the other 6 products added to the discount code dropdown.

A returning customer is a customer whom has purchases one of's products previously (it doesn't matter which product).

The international discount is the same, but you can only use one or the other. They are not able to be combined.



Active Member
Hello Suzanne,

Thanks for your reply.

Just to be sure : are the discounts (returning customer/full-time student/competitive purchase/international purchase) cumulative or is it capped to $50 off for Part I / Part II purchase ? Just want to confirm since you wrote "They are able to be combined", but I guess you intended to wrote "They cannot be combined".

Thanks in advance for your reply !



Suzanne Evans

Well-Known Member
Hi Trabala,

No they are not cumulative and it is capped at $50 for Part 1/Part 2 and $100 for Part 1 + Part 2. That is correct, they are not able to combined and I have corrected that error in the above.


Suzanne Evans

Well-Known Member
hi suz,

i'm from jordan, does it apply for discounte code?
if it does, can i have it? since i paied already?

thank you.


Unfortunately, we do not offer refunds for the discount if they were not applied initially. The discount must be applied at the time of purchase. I do believe Jordan would have been included. If you purchase another course at a later date, please be sure and request the discount code.



New Member
Hi Suzanne

The condition sais that we can get a discount code if we purchased a product from another company in the same exam year. I am not sure I understand what is ment under the exam year, could I get it for purchasing products for November 2011 exam?

Also, I would like to purchase Part II - Tier 2. In the form for applying for a discount code I can only choose Part I + Part II in the dropdown menu, I can't choose only Part II. Will the code obtained that way work for USD50 discount on Part II - Tier 2 product?


Suzanne Evans

Well-Known Member
Hi Suzanne

The condition sais that we can get a discount code if we purchased a product from another company in the same exam year. I am not sure I understand what is ment under the exam year, could I get it for purchasing products for November 2011 exam?

Also, I would like to purchase Part II - Tier 2. In the form for applying for a discount code I can only choose Part I + Part II in the dropdown menu, I can't choose only Part II. Will the code obtained that way work for USD50 discount on Part II - Tier 2 product?


Hi Irena,

Yes, if you have purchased a discount code from a competitor for the year prior and you wish to utilizie that as proof for the competitor discount, I'm okay with that. We are working to add the other products to the discount option. In the meantime, you can select one of the option available and in the notes just please make notation of which product you are wanting to purchase, level and tier information is needed. The discount will be for $50 on your product of choice.



New Member
Hi Suzanne

I tried requesting the discount code and get the following error message:
The following errors were encountered

  • We were unable to process your attached file.
I first attached a PDF file and when that didn't work, I attached a HTML file but got the same message. I am using Firefox 9.0.1. but got the same error message using Internet Explorer 8.

Please advise


Suzanne Evans

Well-Known Member
Hi Irena,

I will look into this. I'm thinking the file might be too big. I will check and see what the file size needs to be and in the meantime you can email your proof to me directly: [email protected] and I will request the discount code on your behalf.

I apologize for the inconvenience.



New Member
Hi Suzanne,
Can you please confirm on the list of countries which are eligible for discount under International Purchases. Thanks.

Suzanne Evans

Well-Known Member
Hi Suzanne,
Can you please confirm on the list of countries which are eligible for discount under International Purchases. Thanks.

Hi frmp1,

If you email me your country of residency, I can let you know if your country qualifies. I will also need residency proof upon the discount request. You can email me at [email protected].



New Member
Hi Suzanne,

Could you check if Malaysia is in the list of country that is eligible for "International Purchase" discount. Thanks.

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi rajajahil, I think Malaysia is eligible for discount. Suzanne Evans will confirm; however, i think it may be a few days because she it currently out (regular ordering works, of course, but the discount codes may be delayed a bit until she returns).

If you/somebody submits under Malaysia, we will try and honor it, but the discount coupons specifically may just be delayed until Suzanne returns. (again, regular orders work, because they are automated! But the coupons require Suzanne's review)



New Member
Hi Suzanne,
I am from India.Could you check if India is in the list of country that is eligible for "International Purchase" discount.
As in the previous answers u have mentioned you would require address prof . Would passport work for it.

It would be great if i could have the discount code soon.So I will be sending you the details on your mail id :[email protected].

Thanking in advance.


Hi, Suzanne:
I have bought FRM P1 Tire 1 and I am going to purchase P2 Tire 1, Could I just upgrade to P1 & P2 Tier 1 package and pay the difference?
Or is there any discount available for me?