@Amos you don't need to repost (ie, in repetition) over the weekend. Please see https://forum.bionicturtle.com/threads/labor-day-weekend-no-forum-support-back-on-tuesday.14096/
We haven't prioritized the De Laurentis because it is such a flawed reading (mistakes galore), but I think we have it scheduled upcoming this semester, @Nicole Seaman will clarify this week.
@Amos We don't make any specific timing commitments, currently we are working on new Focus Review videos. You don't need to use this forum to apply pressure. If we don't have a specific video, it's because it's a low priority relative to other videos in our stack. New Focus Review videos are currently higher priority.
Hi David,
Thanks for your response. My question was a polite one. Am new to the platform.