Exam Feedback May 2019 Part 2 Exam Feedback

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New Member
Delighted! Passed FRM Part II! (1,1,1,1,1). Congratulations to all that have passed!

Thanks David and Nicole for the amazing BT platform which has not just helped me pass but also greatly enhanced my knowledge beyond the necessities for the exam. The knowledge I acquired here over the last year has (and will continue to greatly) boosted my confidence in the office.

For future reference I estimated my score to be somewhere (60-65)/80 based on the questions I recalled and the great discussions here in this topic.


New Member
Congratulations everyone! I also passed with 3,3,1,2,1. Thank you David and Nicole, you can add one more satisfied customer to your list, I used BT as my main study material for both parts.

And to those who didn't pass, I wish you all the best for the November Exam. Do not despair, you can do it!!

Rosa Rodríguez

New Member
11123 !! Congrats everybody

And now...What about work experience? I have just submitted mine with more or less 100 words (because it was detailed in the writing space) and I have read that the minimum is 300. :confused::confused:


Active Member
Guys, I just submitted my work experience. How long before GARP approves it, usually? Can't wait to be a full-fledged FRM :D

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
My first and last (probably not !) comment on this forum. I just want to command Nicole's intervention in this forum these past 2 days. You helped a lot of us to do the only reasonable thing to do in a tense situation like this, which is to simply find the force to wait for the official release of the results. I personally tried to look into the developer section of "My Programs" and I couldn't see what all the other guys were seeing; instead I saw something like "We accept $US from Canada", which made me think I may have to register again. Even though I knew the code reflects what is displayed on the web page and mine was saying "No results yet", not seeing the same thing everyone was seeing rattled me a bit. When people started posting things like "pass with 44444" or "fail with 11114" I decided to take Nicole's recommendation to the letter and waited until I received GARP's email. I received it at 12:08AM ET and it's a pass as expected. Thank you, Nicole, you made it easy for me.

I prepared both parts with only BT, the best dollars I spent these past 10 months. I think the best value of the BT package is the interaction with David and other participants in the forum. David is masterful at explaining and simplifying the most obscure notion. I recommend BT to any FRM candidates. You not only significantly increase your chance of success compared to candidates using other material, but most importantly you get out of this process with a solid knowledge on all aspect of Risk Management. Full disclosure I have a Master's Degree in Financial Engineering and have been working in Risk Management the last 6 years. Nevertheless I think BT material is suitable to everyone, it all depends on how dedicated you are and whether you are interested in not only passing the exam but learning something. So Thank you David and congrats to everyone. To those who didn't make it this time do not give up, you will nail it in November and probably receive your certificate at the same time some of us will receive it.

Sorry for the long post.

Congratulations on passing! :) I'm glad that my posts were able to take away some of the anxiety that MANY candidates were feeling when others were posting about the trick that allowed them to see unofficial results. I really try to make sure that the members in our forum are not caused unnecessary stress during what is usually a very stressful time. As difficult as it is to wait those last 24 hours, the best thing to do is to continue to wait until the official results are posted. We reached out to GARP right away yesterday when the forum started to "blow up" with the time change trick. GARP immediately responded to us so we could let everyone know that they had absolutely not released any official results.

I am very happy to hear that our study materials and support were so helpful to you throughout your studies. It is always great to see our members post things like this. It reminds us that we are making a difference and fulfilling our purpose of being an exam prep provider. Posts like yours also provide other candidates (who are just starting their studies) with positive information about how we can help them to pass the exam. We appreciate your support!


Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Guys, I just submitted my work experience. How long before GARP approves it, usually? Can't wait to be a full-fledged FRM :D
@David Harper CFA FRM , any insights on this? Really appreciate your incredible help! (thanks to you passed with 11221)
@nikic @BoobyMiles

GARP has stated that it can take 4-6 weeks for work experience to be approved. Sometimes it is approved sooner that, but they have told us that if candidates haven't received their approval after 6 weeks that they can contact member services to find out the status. There is another thread with a lot of information about work experience. This is one of my posts with the information that GARP provided regarding turnaround time: https://forum.bionicturtle.com/threads/questions-about-work-experience.7207/post-62080.


New Member
I was surprised to see results at 12am in my inbox and was expecting results after 9am. The worst thing that GARP don't indicate whether you passed/failed in the body of email. I guess the most anxious minutes when you log in. Anyway, it was my last GARP exam.


Active Member
Thanks to the BT team. I did my own research on what third party prep provider to use and landed here. The forum was a huge help, if I didn't understand a concept there was usually someone with the same question at some point. I passed both parts on my first attempts in consecutive offerings (Nov 18 > May 19) and couldn't have done it without the targeted guidance.

Pt 1: 1211
Pt 2: 31241 (2+ months less prep!)

Congrats to all that passed.
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