Exam Feedback May 2019 Part 2 Exam Feedback

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New Member
So oficially, passed with 11112 :) :) :) I knew I was well prepared but didn’t dare to dream about such good results! It would not be possible without BT


New Member
My first and last (probably not !) comment on this forum. I just want to command Nicole's intervention in this forum these past 2 days. You helped a lot of us to do the only reasonable thing to do in a tense situation like this, which is to simply find the force to wait for the official release of the results. I personally tried to look into the developer section of "My Programs" and I couldn't see what all the other guys were seeing; instead I saw something like "We accept $US from Canada", which made me think I may have to register again. Even though I knew the code reflects what is displayed on the web page and mine was saying "No results yet", not seeing the same thing everyone was seeing rattled me a bit. When people started posting things like "pass with 44444" or "fail with 11114" I decided to take Nicole's recommendation to the letter and waited until I received GARP's email. I received it at 12:08AM ET and it's a pass as expected. Thank you, Nicole, you made it easy for me.

I prepared both parts with only BT, the best dollars I spent these past 10 months. I think the best value of the BT package is the interaction with David and other participants in the forum. David is masterful at explaining and simplifying the most obscure notion. I recommend BT to any FRM candidates. You not only significantly increase your chance of success compared to candidates using other material, but most importantly you get out of this process with a solid knowledge on all aspect of Risk Management. Full disclosure I have a Master's Degree in Financial Engineering and have been working in Risk Management the last 6 years. Nevertheless I think BT material is suitable to everyone, it all depends on how dedicated you are and whether you are interested in not only passing the exam but learning something. So Thank you David and congrats to everyone. To those who didn't make it this time do not give up, you will nail it in November and probably receive your certificate at the same time some of us will receive it.

Sorry for the long post.


New Member
Glad I was able to wait until the morning. Otherwise those flipped results would have raised mixed emotions.
Passed with 11111


Active Member
Congrats everyone. Now it's official - 1/2/2/1/1. Quite unbelievable. Overjoyed. And excited for the opportunities to move up that this will accord me (2 yrs experience in risk within insurance / asset management).


New Member
Congrats everyone. Now it's official - 1/2/2/1/1. Quite unbelievable. Overjoyed. And excited for the opportunities to move up that this will accord me (2 yrs experience in risk within insurance / asset management).

I am also submitting my work experience but really not sure if it will be recognized by GARP: 2 years as a finance manager at a small private equity fund. No dedicated risk function but I am often involved with budgeting (liquidity risk?), tax and compliance (legal risk) and reporting (partly market analysis/risk?).
Any idea if the pass rate is out?
Usually takes a month or two right? Seems like i scraped a pass haha 3,3,2,2,3. Very fragile, but i put in a lot of work and i suppose a good thing i did. Congratulations to all who passed and commisserations to those who haven't. I feel lucky i got through and having failed part i first time i remember the frustration of doing it all again.
Thank you again to all the BT team. Great resources and community here. Thanks again to David for all the questions answered, and apologies for those i sent with frustration and confusion late at night.


New Member
Pass with 12343. Performance in Market and Investment is within my estimation. Credit is in line but still feel lucky. Operation and current issue are much lower than my expectations. A little disappointed that performance is lower than what I thought but anyway I pass. Preparing more than it require never hurts.
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