Loss Given Default

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Hello @[email protected]

If you go into the study planner under Credit Risk Management & Management, you will see spreadsheet bundles under the Topic Review. You will find LGD and PD under the T6.c spreadsheet bundle.

Hope that helps!


Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
@[email protected]

Looking at the GARP curriculum, this is part of the Part 2 curriculum under Topic 6 and 8. I am not finding them under the Part 1 curriculum. They may be mis-labeled in the study planner (they may have been in Part 1 at some point so were labeled that way) but regardless of the label in the study planner, LGD and PD are included in Part 2. @David Harper CFA FRM do you have any input on this, as you would know better than me if these spreadsheets were once included in Part 1.

Thank you,
