Instructions about using the forums

Hend Abuenein

Active Member
Hi David,
I know I'm not new here, but I still need to be guided as to how and where to post a question without being labeled "impolite" or anything :)

1- If a question comes up while I'm watching one of your videos for example, and it's about a certain calculation in one of the exhibits (spreadsheets) I post the question under the video, the spreadsheet, or in the forum under the relevant topic division?

2- Suppose I want to know if the same question I have has been asked before on the forums to save your time and mine, what's the best way to search for it?

Example: Right now I have a question about spreadsheet T5.b.4.
I searched for "Tuckman chapter 9" 3 results, two of which not exactly relevant to my question, one is (a little) but dates back to 2008.
Should I add my question there, or start a new topic?

3- About searching to find whether a question has been answered before, do I search by author name, topic number, AIM, or what?

4- Suggestion: I don't know if this is doable but it could be an idea for the future: is there somehow that you could tag your answers where you'd add author,AIM,and topic video number to related answers on the forum... sort of like Twitter's hashtags.
That would make search results more relevant. It will also add up to the aggregate explanation and tutorials for every subject without you being directly asked to repeat.

Thank you

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi Hend,

This xenforo was a recent (and expensive) improvement to the site; it's a funny thing, i've found that each new investment brings with it additional challenges. I wanted to make the forum more useful than our previous built-in forum, and I guess we did that, but ironically, along with it comes more requests for additional functionality!

We don't have a formal forum protocol (aside from practice question production, which is a process for us). Frankly, the forum is "best effort:" as we grow, I can't guarantee i can answer personally every question, I can only try. So, in truth, the informality mimics the truth that the forum does not represent a service guarantee. (Now, we did raise prices just now. Why? So i could afford to hire some help, as until this year, although Suzanne helps with the content, I've don't yet have another subject matter expert, SME, to lead content initiatives, not unlike this). It's a long way to say that human bandwidth is easily our most salient constraint.

With that caveat:
  1. I personally prefer that the question go to the forum first, since that is the first thing i look at in the morning. Secondarily, it can go to the thread, but i am less responsive to the threads given that most customers go to the forum. The forum is organized below by topics.
  2. For search, i agree with the quotes, i have found "Tuckman chapter 9" to be most effective. I appreciate it when folks do a search first and then append, rather than start a new thread.
  3. I've used all of those methods. I am not sure I am expert on our own search function frankly, but i will task a colleague to research it, to see if we can infer any gains
  4. Yes, i totally agree with your concept, it is actually already on our "initiatives list" ... technically it appears to be doable, but currently is mostly a function of bandwidth. Retroactively it appears to require judgement (e.g., mine or my expert hire). But, I absolutely have a similar wish, thank you!
Thanks! David


New Member
Hi David/Suzanne,

I recently signed up for your FRM P1 product and am looking forward to getting started. I've been reading over the forum for the past hour or two getting a feel for how to find things but I have one q's that I can't quite figure out. It could be something really simple but when you list something as P1.T1.58 or T5.b.4....P1 = Part 1, T1 = Topic (book) 1; but what does the 58 or b.4 stand for?



Suzanne Evans

Well-Known Member
Hi David/Suzanne,

I recently signed up for your FRM P1 product and am looking forward to getting started. I've been reading over the forum for the past hour or two getting a feel for how to find things but I have one q's that I can't quite figure out. It could be something really simple but when you list something as P1.T1.58 or T5.b.4....P1 = Part 1, T1 = Topic (book) 1; but what does the 58 or b.4 stand for?



Hi Devin,

P1 = Part 1
T1 = Topic 1
58 = Question 58

T5 = Topic 5
There is a T5.a.Hull and a T5.b.Hull which means a is 1/2 and b is 2/2. They are two separate practice question sets but for the same topic and chapters.

I hope that helps.
