GARP practice questions vs. BT practice questions

Hi guys,

Two fold question:
a) I am doing mock exams that you can download from GARP website and I have a question. How close are those questions to real exam? Because some of the questions on mock exam are really easy. (comparing to Bionic Turtle :) )

b) On the exam do they give you some empty paper where you can do calculation or you can write anywhere?

If those questions were answered before could you please point me to them.

Thank you.


New Member
Some of the mock exam questions appeared in the actual paper from previous years. Focus on understanding the concepts and practice with BT questions. The thought process required in tackling the BT questions is similar with the exam.

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Some of the mock exam questions appeared in the actual paper from previous years. Focus on understanding the concepts and practice with BT questions. The thought process required in tackling the BT questions is similar with the exam.
Hello @janicekg

The Bionic Turtle practice questions have always been a bit more difficult than the GARP practice questions. This is intentional, as we want to make sure that our members understand the concepts in-depth and that they are not just memorizing them for the exam. We've provided a detailed overview about our practice questions here:

Regarding your question about extra paper being provided during the exam, please see this thread for the answer that we received from GARP about this: Our search function is great for questions like this, as they have usually been asked and answered previously.

Thank you,



New Member
No... I think the actual questions are more difficult.

They are integrated many topics such as counterparty risks from Credit Risk, Illiquidity assets from Investment Risk, and Operational Risks into 1 question... you have to scratch your brain out in each of answer choices to find a right answer.

I think all the practice exams are not able to do this. They are good to test of one topic in one question at a time.