GARP FRM Exam questions


Hi David,

Is it possible to have GARP FRM 2013 and May 2014 exam questions in BT Pratice question or Mock Exam?


David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM

We don't have them. Don't get me wrong, I would love them, and I will keep asking nicely! :) ... but nobody get them (definitely not the EPPs like us). What we do do is re-use some of the practice exam questions; e.g., see 405.2 Tuesday but even those are technically original questions with a citation to the inspiring source (GARP does not want us to publish those wholesale). Thanks,


I just found out that you can only download it from Garp if you are registered for the exam or pay. Frustrating.

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
@murrayf you are referring to GARP's previously published Practice Exams, yes? Those are available, albeit registration may be required. But those are brief subsets (e.g., 2014 Practice exam has only 20 P1 and 25 P2) and I did not understand @LMFRM to be referring to those. I though he asked about actual historical "exam questions" which, to my knowledge, are not available to anybody, registered or not. Thanks,


Thanks for the reply. Yes I was referring to the Practice Exams - I misunderstood LMFRM (it does not bode well for the exam if I don't read the question!).

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Good tip! I've been working with practice questions for years, and if there is a #1 tip in my mind, it would be "slow down and read the question carefully" ...


David - first of all - great suggestion. I've found thus far that I know the material but many of the questions I'll get wrong is because I don't read the question carefully enough (Talk about frustrating). Anyway, I'm sitting for the exam in November 2014. I can take the GARP 2014 practice exams in addition to the BT exams. How much benefit do you think I would get out of taking the 2013 GARP practice exams? I understand that not all of the material would be exactly the same. I simply want to make sure I'm as prepared as possible. Thanks!


@David Harper CFA FRM CIPM - first of all thank you for all of the help thus far. Your prompt, detailed answers are greatly appreciated. They’ve certainly helped me throughout this process. It’s now about 5+ weeks until the exams and I fluctuate between confidence and sheer panic. I have a solid grasp on much of the material however there is simply such a large magnitude of data covered. I want to spend my remaining time as efficiently as possible and be sure to study the AIMs that have the highest likelihood of being on the test. I certainly realize you have a lot going on and that you’re not a mind reader (a sad reality for us all) but I was wondering if there was a brief topic list that summarized the most important AIMs and items to study. Personally, I know it would be helpful so that, again, I’m not wasting time on items that most likely won’t be tested. Thanks again for your continued help!

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Hello @m123mikmik,

I think we all wish David was a mind reader, as that would really help us in preparing the materials for our users also!! :D I'm sure others, including David, may be able to add to my post, but here are a few threads in the forum that may help to answer your question:
I hope you find some helpful information in those threads!




Thanks @Nicole Manley - Alex_1 seemed to be very helpful in laying things out... but, sadly, I'm taking Part 1. Good to know for next year (hopefully)! I apologize but is there anything comparable for us on lowly Part 1?! :D


@David Harper CFA FRM CIPM - Not to be a further pain on this point but the expectation is that all of the exams that you (as well as GARP) provide are to be finished in the time of approximately 2.4 minutes per question (25 questions per hour). Is that correct? I've gone through GARP's first two practice exams and seem to be having an issue going through the questions as quickly as they would like. Any suggestions? Is repetition just the best approach? Thanks as always!


@David Harper CFA FRM CIPM - I apologize but one final point on all of this. You've alluded to this before but it seems GARP doesn't always do the best job at explaining their questions. In doing some of their available practice tests, I've either gotten the question wrong or gotten hung up because of how they had it worded. Understanding that you don't see the tests every six month but do you believe this issue to have improved? Thanks!