FRM results released!!


New Member
Come on be realistic. They screwed it up again. It's not possible that everybody passed, there is not one failure, not here, not on, even somebody who just filled out only half of the sheets passed


New Member
Two thoughts:

1) There were 23,000 candidates registered, so a pass rate of 40% to 50% would imply that between 9,000 and 11,500 people passed the exam.

2) There likely is selection bias in that the people who post in a FRM oriented forum are more likely to pass the exam. Further, a person who passed is more likely to post that fact then one who didn't

At the NYC exam site, there were several empty seats. I'm wondering if candidate attrition may have skewed results a bit. Apparently registration for the exam was up 70% year-over-year.


New Member
Hi David,

First of all thanx for your incredible frm material which contributed a lot for my success in 2009 frm examination.

I think this time frm pass rate is relatively high (my view), as so far I have heard only a couple of candidates (my friends) receiving the `not so pleasant' email from garp. OR might be garp would have switched over from the percentile basis to minimum score with respect to valuing candidates performance.

Utlimately, my more than 300 hours of preparation with the support of David's bionic turtle materials proved very very effective.

Thanx a lot once more David.


New Member
As per the GARP website stats there were 17,673 FRMs and now the mail says 24,139 I guess we can infer that 6,466 candidates have passed this time and that translates to around 28% pass rate (assuming 23000 have taken FRM 2009). Not sure if I am missing something out here.

Krishna Kanth


New Member
Hi David,
I must be honest to you, your materials (the video, excel spreadsheet, and blog) were of tremendous help in my passing the 2009 FRM full exam.

You are simply the best.

I am wondering will you offering preparatory program for the ERP exam?
It might be next venture after CFA level 2 exams in June.




New Member
Hi Guys/Gals..

Its been a long wait….still no mail from GARP….

a) Email id in profile - i checked with my colleague who cleared the exam and he doesnt hv the email id updated but he still received the mail…so Im still wondering y i didnt receive the mail….they hv my mail id as registration id, atleast they can send to that id than waiting for someone to update one’s email id again in the profile…nyways..

b) Two other possible ways to check whether one cleared - Login to garp site…
i) Go to registration page and try to register for the exam as a returning candidate - what does the message say? If it says u cant register cuz u hv cleared,its likely that u hv cleared the exam - I have checked this with few friends who did not clear the exam,and they get the option to register again….
ii) Does Resume builder give u access?? - i guess this can happen only if u clear the exam….this i hv not checked with my friends…

I have already put in a mail to GARP asking abt my results but wl hv to wait for a reply…David, ny suggestions??

Best of LucK….


New Member
Hi everybody,
I pass the full exam. Thank you David for the great help your course has provided me.I was lost in a pile of advanced material, Garp's aims, till I found your website.I consider your teaching method highly unique for its practicity. It really helps to crack most of the tough concepts.I specially appreciate the spreadsheet material.I did all of them and reshaped my excel abilities.Keep up the good work sir!
I m a CFA level 3 candidate and I must confess, the morning part of the exam was real hell.I Never felt myself under such pressure. In my opinion FRM is thougher than any CFA level.
All the best


New Member
Hi Kris,

Your stat based derivation of pass rate appears rationale. But should we not deduct Level I registrations from the total 23000 registrations, in which case, pass rate might go up from your calc of 29%?


New Member
Great to pass in one shot. I thought I might fail because I did not manage time well in the morning session( too much relaxed )


David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
@Maderix: based on updates so far, it appears (thankfully) our customers passed in record-setting percentages. But we definitely have received some "fail" updates and GARP is, based on my recent contact with them, confident the reporting is acccurate...

@shauncass: of course, some emails may be trapped/filtered. GARP informs me that have published two links on their site ( Specifically:

Level I results:
Full results:

@Manoj: Congratulations! It was a real pleasure...thanks for your forum contributions last year

@concepts: Congrats! I really appreciate the positive feedback and, also, thank you for your willingness to assist with helpful comments in the forum

Re: ERP: I would love to, but I cannot be the teacher (I do not have a background in energy, frankly). We have asked for help in recruiting an instructor. If anyone is interested, please contact me at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (i.e., it will be a while before we can make an ERP offering)

@Kostam: fantastic, thank you! I am delighted you liked the spreadsheets: I believe the XLS are very powerful learning tools that many do not make the time to use


New Member
I did a count. There are 6324 candidates that passed full and 981 that passed L1. According to the link below there are about 22,854 candidates:

Assuming 20000 candidates actutally took the exams and assuming both exams have the same passing rate. We can estimate the passing rate is about 36% (!?) only. It is surprisingly low. (I intially thought it would be over 60% given the feedbacks on BT) If the GARP did not make mistake, I have to say David did a great job!

David, my feedback will ensue.. Thanks again for all your helps!!!

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi ajsa - great to hear from you, looking forward to further feedback. Isn't the 20,000+ registrants such that the actual number who sat for the exam is materially lower; i.e., a material number register but do not follow thru with sitting? (I have a query into GARP re: pass rate, but I am not expecting them to be able to share information yet...). Thanks, David


New Member
Wow I'm speechless, we really got it. I wouldn't have bet on it last night. You are really on the top 10 list of people I wanna once in my life drink a beer with. Hope we'll get the chance one day.
If you talk about sample bias this year mention peoples reaction in internet forums after published exam results. Unbelievable, it really looked like 98% passed this year, unless I saw the table... kind of survivorship bias mixed with something really skewed...


New Member
Hi David,

Are you saying that 20000 is an overestimate? It is likely. I just randomly picked a number.

Meanwhile I hate to see if GARP gave out a very intimidating exam and it turned out the bar is very low, which will only (un)intentionally devalue FRM and is not anyone's best interest.


David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
@Maderix: yea, i am delighted that our (BT's) apparent pass rate is so high that it has created an perceived credibility issue with GARP's reporting (!)... but agreed: it seems to be a combination of reporting bias, survivorship bias and distribution beer: thank you for saying that, you can buy!

@ajsa: i agree that ~22,854 registered, but for the pass rates, don't we need (i) number who actually sat for L1 and (ii) number who sat for Full? I don't have that information...
... i see that you are approximating with ~20K, but i don't know: the number could be lower?
...are you sure about only 981 L1 passers, that prima facia appear low to me (but again, without the denominator, I remain uncertain)

re: devaluation and low bar: if your numbers are correct, if 7305 passed, then the bar certainly wasn't low, it appear to be quite high...but the L1/L2 complicates, of course, I'd prefer to see the breakout

Thanks, David


New Member
Hi David, yes I passed. :) Thanks for asking!

I felt uneasy because a guy on another forum said he guessed over 20 questions in AM session because he ran out of time, however he passed. Some claimed they crammed for a week and passed. It looks to me the required correction rate is not in 60-70% range, but instead lower than 50% I bet..

BTW, you can copy/paste the candidate numbers on the pages to Excel. it can count for you. that is how I got 981.