FRM Registration problem


I am trying to register for FRM part 2 for the Nov 2011 exam. On Step 2 when I click on Continue, it gives me the following error, even though I am already logged in.

"Dear Member, our records indicate that you are a GARP Member. Please use login box to login with your current email and password."

Even after trying multiple times with different browsers, I am stuck at the same point.

Has someone else faced a similar problem?
Please help me resolve this error on an urgent basis, since today is the last day for early registration.

Thank You.


I tried with Firefox, Chrome, IE and on two diff PCs - still the same error.

I tried to register for a new user for Part 1 - it works fine. The problem is when the there is already a user-id and I try to register. It is checking the database and getting stuck somewhere.
Post ur problem at the GARP FB site:
as well as send an email to GARP at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
In the first case normally they reply within 1/2 days and the e-mail response sometimes may be really prompt!
Considering the deadlines sooner you do it, greater will be your saving.
Best of luck


I have done both - posted on facebook and sent multiple mails.

I posted on forums and tried calling the US office also.

Considering that it was weekend, I did not get any reply...
Looks like I missed the deadline due to their website problem :-(


I wanted to share this on this site because it might landed one into a tense situation at the last minute with their site acting up.

Please do not leave the registration till the last minute and especially take care if a weekend is towards the last few days. There may be some technical issues, but don't worry, the guys at the FRM department at GARP are pretty helpful once you give them a call during business hours.