FRM Part 1 Results are on the website!

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New Member
Passed FRM part I with Q1/Q1/Q2/Q1 (using Schweser). But after looking at Schweser material for part II which is a bit scrappy and unorganized, I'm wondering how BT material could help me with FRM part II exam.


New Member
Passed FRM part I with Q1/Q1/Q2/Q1 (using Schweser). But after looking at Schweser material for part II which is a bit scrappy and unorganized, I'm wondering how BT material could help me with FRM part II exam.

I have used Schweser for Part I and I agree that it did not prepared me to well, but I have used Schweser in CFA and finished it 7 years ago. Remember that, GARP are comparing students against each other and you don't need full mark to pass. when all of us use the same curriculum, we will have the same knowledge. Part II is qualitative and it is recommended to read the original books - at least 1 or 2 topics. I will use Schweser in Part II and study two sections or more from GARP books. BT is good, but I cant say any thing since I used it little bit in Part I. Lets discuss this and see other opinions - especially from those who cleared Part II.


New Member
Cleared Level 1. Was not confident of passing it as I relied solely on Schweser and it was simply not enough. Hope to clear level 2 in November. Congrats to all who have passed

Malefane Molibeli

New Member

GARP did not vote me in unfortunately. I am very confident with the work but was unlucky on the 16th MAY. I am considering taking both Part I and II for November and asking for your advice.

This was my 3rd attempt and I am in no way going to give up. Do you think it's a good idea taking both PARTS?



New Member
Hello All,
I have cleared Part I.

A big thank you to you and the team for the excellent preparatory materials and video sessions. It helped me immensely to grasp the concepts easily. Way to go!!!


New Member

GARP did not vote me in unfortunately. I am very confident with the work but was unlucky on the 16th MAY. I am considering taking both Part I and II for November and asking for your advice.

This was my 3rd attempt and I am in no way going to give up. Do you think it's a good idea taking both PARTS?


If I may. If it takes you 4 attempts to pass Part 1, what makes you believe that you will pass part 2 at the first attempt ? Especially when you prepare 1 and 2 at the same time. Be realistic! Been there, done that! and I royally failed both. I spent more time on P2 because I thought that I was ready for P1. At best, you'll be very well prepared for P1 but medium at P2.
No matter what you choose to do, do not give up until you have it : there is no attempts counter on the certification!

Malefane Molibeli

New Member
thank you very much. I take your advice and today, THOUGH devastated a bit, I commenced with my studies and I hope to crack it this time around. Do you know if BT will be publishing any of MAY 2015 exam solutions.


Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Passed FRM part I with Q1/Q1/Q2/Q1 (using Schweser). But after looking at Schweser material for part II which is a bit scrappy and unorganized, I'm wondering how BT material could help me with FRM part II exam.

We are happy to hear that you are interested in using Bionic Turtle in your Part 2 studies! There are samples in the study planner for each of the readings if you would like to look through those before making your purchase. It is always helpful to see exactly what you are purchasing beforehand. There are also MANY members in the forum who have used Bionic Turtle and have successfully passed both parts of the exam. If you have any questions about our materials at all, please do not hesitate to contact me. :)

Thank you,


Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member

GARP did not vote me in unfortunately. I am very confident with the work but was unlucky on the 16th MAY. I am considering taking both Part I and II for November and asking for your advice.

This was my 3rd attempt and I am in no way going to give up. Do you think it's a good idea taking both PARTS?


I am sorry to hear that you did not pass Part 1, but you sound very confident so I'm sure you will be able to pass this exam when you take it again :) There are some people on our forum who have taken both parts of the exam in one sitting. Although most people prefer to sit separately, it can be done. I would not normally encourage anyone to take both parts in the same day, but since you have taken Part 1 and feel confident that you retained the material, then you should be okay to sit for both parts. Please just keep in mind that if you do sit for both parts of the exam on the same day, they will only grade Part 2 if you pass Part 1. I would encourage you to search the forum for recent posts from members who have taken both parts on the same day. Good luck!!



New Member
I did not make it this time around and used Schweser only but I also didn't have enough time to get through all the material so that's probably where it went wrong. I'm looking to switch to BT for my 2nd attempt. Anyone have recommendations/thoughts on whether BT alone will be enough to prepare for Part I? Thanks!
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