FRM Part 1 and two at the same day?


I would like your opinion on the following:

I did the FRM part 1 this week. I'm not sure that I will pass. So far I counted 45 correct answers, 10-15 Wrong ones and the rest, I don't know... I guessed about a third of the exam due to lack of time.

My original plan was to do part 1 in May, and part 2 in November.
If I'll fail, I'm considering redoing part 1 agein in November together with part 2.

I would like to know if this is possible and if yes, what is the amount of hours (total/daily or weekly) and level of the investment needed in order to pass part 2?

Will appriciate your advice as well as your opinion.


Steve Jobs

Active Member
Hi Noalv,

I was planning to do the same.

I think part 2 paper will not be marked before passing part1. So if you pass in part 1 may or nov. then they let you know whether you passed part 2 nov. regards.


Good lack with the test.
My question was basicly if it isn't going to be to hard to preper for both exams at the same time and if it possible phisically and mentaly to do two tests at the same day...:rolleyes:



hi Noalv4

To each his own really. I have seen people on this forum attempt and pass both levels on the same day. I took Level 1 in May and I am not confident I will pass, so already making plans to start again after July to prepare for Nov exam :) but I am only planning on attempting Level 1.

Suzanne Evans

Well-Known Member

I honestly think this might be personal preference. Also, it depends on how much time to have to commit to study preparations.

How much time is recommended? See here:

Also please keep in mind that if you take both Part 1 and Part 2. Say you passed Part 2, but didn't pass Part 1.... that Part 2 passing wouldn't count. But then again to my understanding, they won't grade Part 2 until you pass Part 1. I personally would rather get Part 1 out of the way and then attempt Part 2. Again, it depends how much time you have to commit.

Good luck!