FRM Certification Process


New Member
Hi All,

I passed Nov - 13 FRM part 2 and submitted my profile to GARP for FRM certificaion in early Jan. It has been more than a month but still there is no response from GARP regarding my certification. I am still not able to know whether my profile got accepted/rejected.

When I sent e-mail to their memberservice, I got the usual reply saying that I need to keep patience.

I am seeking advice from the experienced members of this forum regrding this matter. Please help me in this regrard.



New Member

I also passed the Nov 2013 FRM exam and submitted the Work experience details in Jan first week. Not yet received any response regarding the certification.

I however do feel that it might be usual for GARP to take a bit longer to complete the work experience verification just after the results are announced given the higher number of submissions as compared to any other time during the year.

Any guidance around expected timeline around receiving certification from previously certified FRMs would be most appreciated.



New Member
This is taking forever,@Suzanne Evans think you can speed up the certification process by mailing garp?. I did on my told, I was told to wait...

Thus, we will have our certificates sent on March 31...,otherwise I think we will have to wait until may 2014.

Thanks a lot


New Member
This is taking forever,@Suzanne Evans think you can speed up the certification process by mailing garp?. I did on my told, I was told to wait...

Thus, we will have our certificates sent on March 31...,otherwise I think we will have to wait until may 2014.

Thanks a lot
Agreed. It is taking too long. Been almost 2 months since I submitted my profile but no response from GARP yet. @Suzanne Evans would appreciate your help in this regard

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
@Jugoncete and @abh2013,

I understand how it can be frustrating waiting for a response from GARP. I will talk to @David Harper CFA FRM CIPM to see if there is anything that we can do to help speed up the process. Just for future reference, Suzanne no longer works for Bionic Turtle. I will let you know what we find out as soon as possible.


Nicole Manley

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
@Nicole Manley Suzanne would occasionally help candidates who were kept waiting too long. In cases where the delay from GARP (subsequent to work experience submission) was weeks (+1 or +2, I think) longer than expected, she would email Kristina at GARP to inquire/follow-up. (It does seem to be our experience that the delay can be longer than "advertised.")

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member


New Member
I sent my CV on 31 Dec 2013 and but still no any reply got from GARP yet!
1. Could privilege be granted for the regular member? (since I just an affiliate member!)
2. The CV submission page still allows me to submit again. Would there be any problem in my application? I had also re-submitted it on 9 Jan 2014, was it ok?
3. Thanks Nicole for your support in advance. I had sent the email to you last Thursday.

The CFA certification process is quicker and it just took 9 business days to complete my working experience review, even though my submission date was just after the examination result release.
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New Member
It is so coincident that I just got the confirmation email in 30 minutes after the above post. Although it was a lengthy process for certification, I was starting from patience until anxiety. Compared with another professional body, there are so many rooms for GARP to improve.

Thanks Nicole & David your much support in this matter. :):):):):):)


New Member
For those that were certified earlier this year, have you received your certificates yet?
Still waiting on mine.


New Member
For those that were certified earlier this year, have you received your certificates yet?
Still waiting on mine.

Same as you, I am still waiting for the physical certification. although FRM said they have mailed out the certification starting from 15 April and they claimed that please allow 10 weeks for transit. Therefore, I have to wait 2 more weeks (until 24 June) and then start to urge them to explain the delay. Nonetheless, I think there should be a privilege be granted for the regular member, since I just an affiliate member and no member fee is paid currently, hence different service level.


New Member
My certification was delivered like 2 months ago(mid april or so), I believe you certificates were sent on May 31st and should arrive within weeks.

Very elegant presentation btw, blue envelope and frm member pin included :p


New Member
My certification was delivered like 2 months ago(mid april or so), I believe you certificates were sent on May 31st and should arrive within weeks.

Very elegant presentation btw, blue envelope and frm member pin included :p

Hi Jugoncete

Are you a regular member of GARP? (i.e. have you paid the current annual fee )


New Member
I haven't paid this year fee. It has nothing to do with that I believe.

Have neither enrolled the CPE program. Thinking about it though. Is it worth it?


Me too! Enrolling in CPE program is meant of wasting of time and money, I believe. It is much worth to make use of those to develop myself in other areas instead.