FRM Certificate


Not yet, I think mine will be mailed after 15/4. But since I'm living in Macau I think it will take 1 month to arrive at my home.
FYI, FRM cert distribution has several time slot. The most recent one is on 15/4. You can check that in GARP's website.

BTW, does anyone know will the cert be mailed by regular mail or registered mail?


Sent CV for WE verification on Jan 04, 2013.
Got a letter on Feb 15, 2013 - certified FRM.

"Please note, the FRM and ERP Certificates are mailed via the United States Postal Service and delivery can take up to 10 weeks depending on your delivery address."

10 weeks!!!

It seems US Postal Service has nothing to do with 10 weeks...

GARP must be delivering FRM Certificate on their knees!

After all GARP is wondering why survey results are so unsatisfactory concerning their services!


Now I'm sure that they mail the cert thru regular instead of registered.
No matter what, USPS takes a lot of time to finish the job indeed. This comment is what I saw in most of the forums talking about USPS. This effect is more significant if the mailing destination is Asia.

I guess my cert will be folded rudely in order to put it directly into my mailbox......orz