Foundations 1b Tutorial


New Member
Hi David,

IIn slide 15, you summarised the firm's different beta's to show the hedging irrelevance proposition. My question is how did you calculate the different Expected Future Spot prices E(S)?


David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi Roy,

FWIW, the XLS is here @

So I applied the CAPM; e.g., under the scenario where beta = 0.5, then:
one-period E(St) = spot(0) * (1 + 5% RF + 6% ERP * 0.5 beta)

Please note this has occasionally "frustrated" previous candidates because it is ultimately circular; specifically, i get the price by discounting the Forward at the riskless rate. All I am doing here is illustrating Stulz and Hull's CAPM-based pricing framework; ultimately, the circularity is the premise itself.

To elaborate, the first idea (per Hull & Stulz) is that forward price is a function of the RISK-FREE rate, in this case:
333 spot (0) = $350 forward (0); i.e., per the cost of carry

yet the expected future spot is compounded at > RF rate if the asset has beta > 0:
@ beta = 0.5, expected spot (1) = $333 spot (0) * 1 + 8% = $360; i.e., per CAPM!

to summarize, at beta = 0.5, $360 E(St) is higher than (different than) the $350 forward exactly due to the beta.

and now the "theory of normal backwardation" resolves because it says F(0) < E(sT)--i.e., normal backwardation--must exist where the asset has systematic risk in order to induce the long forward: to go long the risky asset, he/she expects a profit.
In this case, $350 forward * EXP(3% risk premium) ~= $360 expected future spot
i.e., the long forward position is willing to enter long @ 350 b/c he/she expects the profit to compensate exactly for assuming the 3% risk premium.
... and this is just a fancy way of saying the short forward has transferred price risk to the long forward, for a fee

hope that helps, more than you asked but wanted to explain why the math is not inherently satisfying (but, I think the underlying idea is!)



New Member
Thanks David thats very clear,

Some points:
1. E(St) = spot(0) * (1 + 5% RF * 6% ERP * 0.5 beta) should be E(St) = spot(0) * (1 + 5% RF + 6% ERP * 0.5 beta) ?
2. Are you assuming E(R) = E(S_future) / E(S_current)? in this case you are using arithmetic return instead log reutrn?


David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi Roy,

1. Yes, my typo. I fixed above. Thanks for your detailed eye....
2. Well, notice i deliberately inserted the "~" b/c i was aware of the arith/geo mixing. B/c i tend to think continuously, I was using continuous as in: ln(360 forward/350 spot) ~ 3%. But okay, it's actually = ln(360/350) = 2.817%. And the arithmetic annual "equivalent" is 360/350 - 1 = 2.857%. Now if Stulz used continuous throughout, like Hull, you'd have something maybe more pleasing:

E(St) = 333.3 * EXP(5%) = 361.1
F0 = 333.3 * EXP(8%) = 350.42

such that implied continuous return for the long forward position = ln (361.1/350.42) = exactly 3% premium

For me, it's worth tying this back to Stulz's point. We have showed how systemic asset risk (i.e., beta > 0) implies normal backwardation (i.e., F0 < E(St)) which implies an expected gain for the long forward position (expected future gain = E(St) - F0)).
So, the key "finding" is that the long forward expects a profit and the short forward expects a loss (the fee for transferring risk).

Stulz point is that the firm can reduce it's systematic risk only by incurring a cost (the same cost the short forward expects) so the gains in a reduction in discount rate (lower beta) are offset by the cost incurred to achieve the beta reduction; i.e., no free lunch so far as beta is concerned

(it is a different story for idiosyncratic risk: in that case, CAPM is saying nobody will pay for it; idiosyncratic risk reductions are effectively worthless)



New Member
Thanks for your comprehensive reply David. The passion that comes through is a big reason why I make sure I thoroughly understand your explanations - wouldnt want it to go to waste!
