CRAM sessions and Flash quizzes


New Member
Hi David,

I wanted to check with you on when you will be publishing the CRAM sessions and the other flash quizzes. How many more rounds of quiz can we expect? From what I see from 2007 you have 3 sets for each section of risk and some random sets. When do you feel all this will be published? Wanted to check with you in order to set myself a time table as we now have around 25 days for the exam.


David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi Ravi,

In regard to the cram session, I am targeting Nov 1st to publish (i.e., sometime during the weekend of the 1st/2nd). But it will be ready by Monday AM the 3rd (at the latest)

In regard to questions, like last year AT LEAST THREE rounds each. But, frankly, I am going to work hard to exceed that. (I really target more, but it's partly a function of the required forum support.) In regard to flash questions, I will be adding fresh ones up nearly to the exam, as fast as i can while also making them quality.

And, I'll continue to post daily help up to the exam

...Thanks, David

Yun chiang Tai

New Member
Hello David:
I am grateful for those things you have done for.....Thank you so much....
Looking forward to seeing.....Sincerely.....