Basis Risk


New Member
Hi David,

If i am right basis risk is zero when cofficient correlation between asset and contract equal one and the variance identical but what if there are storage cost ? Is it still zero?

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi Convexity,

You are right about basis risk within the model. As basis variance = S^2 + F^2 -2*vol(S)*vo(F), under those assumptions (where vol(S) = vol (F), then basis risk = S^2 + S^2 - 2*S^2 = 2*S^2 - 2*S^2 = 0
... note memorization is not required if we remember Gujarati's variance: VAR(A-B) = VAR(A) + VAR(B) - 2*COV(A,B)
... and, btw, this is equivalent to saying the beta = 1.0, yes? beta = correlation * vol(F)/vol(S). In this case, beta = 1*1

The storage cost is very interesting ... but I would say: no, it makes no difference (within the theoretical model) because it does not itself alter the correlation of 1.0. As F = S*EXP((r+u)T), the delta of this futures contract (dF/dS) is EXP((r+u)T) such that storage implies a slightly higher delta (1.x) but this merely changes the slope of a line (F vs S) which remains a perfectly straight line and will therefore still have correlation of 1.0.

That's just within the static model. It is a huge difference from saying "storage does not impact basis risk;" e.g., this model has constant storage as %. Immediately after the "perfect" hedge, time enters, storages costs change, impacting both future/spot and the model's assumption will almost certainly be violated. In oil futures (eg), varying storage costs (in practice) impact basis, if for no other reason than they time-vary


David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
.... sorry to append, but I woke up thinking about this (dang you convexity!). Not to geek out but I think maybe i neglected a technical finesse. As the cost of carry says forward, with storage (u), is given by:
F0 = S0*EXP[(r+u)T], then assuming EXP[(r+u)T) is a constant = a where 1 must be greater than 1 b/c r > 0 and u > 0
variance(F0) = a^2*Variance(S0)
... this implies that variance(F) cannot quite equal variance (S) at least ex ante (it can still ex post)
... or put another way, and I am less than < 100% confident, it seems to me that just under the model, the incremental impact of + u (+storage) is to multiply the futures variance by EXP(u*2*t);

i.e., before storage, variance(F)
= variance(S)*[EXP(rT)]^2

after storage, variance(F)
= variance(S) * [EXP((r+u)T]^2

difference = EXP(2rT)/EXP(2*T*(r+u)) = EXP(2ut)
... so now i am thinking that additional storage cost, just in the model, while it ought to have no impact on correlation, ought to transmit a bit more volatility to the futures price and thusly introduce a bit of non-zero basis risk.


New Member
Hi David,

Very interesting - it's what I thought .. like you always say the basis risk is the mother of all risks and so Theoretically speaking i can say - Even if cofficient correlation between asset and contract equal one and the variance identical - Hypothetical there is some BASIS RISK