anyone here can help? top urgent


New Member
it seems like they are on vacation. i asked a question a few days ago and no luck. A couple of weeks ago when i messaged responses were quite fast, either via email or via posting on the forum. So I assume this is some sort of vacation that they should have perhaps announced.

Edit, I was actually just trying to help diffuse the situation since I saw such a large volume of comments coming in with no responses. There are a lot of forums in here and I did not see you guys had posted something about taking the day off. I posted late Wednesday night (Thursday basically) and I did not get a response, so I had hypothesized that maybe there was a week off or something of that nature.
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Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member

Please note that yesterday, July 4th, was a national holiday in the United States and the Bionic Turtle staff was not working. This morning, I received all of your emails regarding an upgrade and it has been processed. All upgrades are processed manually and always take 1-2 business days to ensure that the payment has gone through in our accounts.


Please see this thread HERE on the forum, which announced that David was on vacation for one week. He began answering emails and forum questions when he returned, and he is continuing to answer them. Keep in mind that it will take some time for David to catch up on the MANY forum questions that were received during his vacation.

Thank you,

Nicole Manley

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
@Godbless1314 I am the person in charge, I just checked in for a few hours of forum support (today, Saturday the 5th), like I will tomorrow (Sunday the 6th), like I do every day unless I am on vacation.

I am conferring with @Nicole Manley currently. It appears you have left several messages and even contacted our accounting partner (Xero) which is baffling (wtf?). I am reviewing your correspondences now, but I can tell you that I am very troubled so far by your behavior. I've seen a lot in 9 years of business but this is strange how many messages you've sent (it's possible that I've never seen this quite before, which is saying something).

I will update this thread as soon as I've finished briefing myself on this situation.
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David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
I've reviewed the correspondence (a waste of one hour of my time which had been devoted to substantive support), here is my understanding.
@Nicole Manley can you please correct me if I am wrong:

As I understand:
  • You (customer) paid for an on upgrade on July 4th at 1:03 am. Nicole: "I told him when I sent the invoicethat it would be upgraded manually so it wouldn't be automatic after he paid"
  • You sent twenty one (21) follow up emails and forward emails, including you somehow activated the customer support personnel at our accounting system partner, Xero, engaging them in unnecessary and costly (non-free) dialog
  • You posted seven (7) threads on the forum; and you posted approximately thirteen (13) times to our FB page, plus at least one FB message (and at least one private message on our forum).
  • In summary, not including support time consumed, you've posted over 40 messages, importantly in a very short U.S. overnight span, starting at approximately 10:00 PM on July 4th and over the next several hours (in the late evening on a US holiday)

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
@Godbless1314 Okay, Nicole agrees with the summary (I find your screenname @Godbless1314 ironic). My response is absolutely easy: I would prefer to refund you your entire purchase, cancel your membership and access, and encourage you to contact GARP (I am serious about this, I would look forward to contributing the facts to GARP as I always look forward to doing whatever we can to uphold a standard); i.e., I would like to boot you, an action we don't take lightly and I cannot recall when we've done it (it's possible we've never done this is 8+ years)

Before I read all of your emails, which amount to a sort of madness, IMO and a waste of my time (it mostly bugs me that you troubled our partners at Xero), I asked Nicole ("[10:11:05 AM] David Harper: i haven't read his emails, what do you think of him, what is your instinct?"), her reply was "I don't ever want to boot anyone but if he is going to be like this, he is going to be a pain in the you know what and waste of our time! I think maybe a stern warning to him may be appropriate but if it even remotely happens again, I would definitely say we refund and boot him."

Nicole's response is more mature (better) than mine. You can request and receive a full refund immediately (and I'd be relieved to deactivate you) or you can stay with the warning. You've consumed enough of my holiday time, let us know, but I won't reply to you further until Monday


New Member
Not to pour gasoline on fire but... this doesn't seem legit. And if it is; I hope to never work with such an individual. :eek:
How can this be so urgent when the next exam is in November? :confused:

I vote that David and Nicole take another day off. ;)


New Member
These postings were that hilarious, I had to register. Some crazy folks in the internet these days,

Nicole, David, you guys are doing a great job. This forum is amazing, especially as folks who did not use your programm can attain the forum as well. Thanks for that, and dont spend time on such weirdos.


New Member
As bad as this whole situation was, today I learned that Bionic Turtle has a facebook page!

Sorry about that guy David, keep up the good work!

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
@Mathrio Thanks for your support! In retrospect, I think he was probably one of those pirates (who buys to re-sell the material cheaply), but we didn't realize that. Nicole is so good about responding to every email and taking every email seriously ... so I think we just got played here, as he never responded :( It was a good lesson for us. Thanks for finding our facebook page!