Any Feedback on FRM 2009 Exam ?


New Member
Its more than 5 o clock New York time... :( ..waiting since afternoon.....​

The server is down too...

so not just the passed candidates will get the email notice, eh?



I was kind of patient and trying to be patient to see the result. I almost know my result hence am not very excited.

However I do agree that GARP was highly un-professional conducting exam at UCLA, Los Angeles.

I have suggested to conduct online exam so that we get the result on the spot. There are no essays involved yet hence that should be easily feasible. They are charging higher fees now. They have additional fee of $ 150.00 if to reappear for the exam from full to Level 1. That doesnot make any sense but they are interested in funds. Okay. Then have better systems!!

I think the earlier date was Dec 21st or around that for the result and then it WAS today.

Best of Luck guys.

David I may have to talk to you soon.

- D.


New Member

Go to FRM
Register Today
Returning Candidates
->My GARP Login

Input your email
and password
->Click Login

Watch the information shown on the screen.
You will know you pass or not.
If you pass, you should see
FRM Exam Registration
Our records show that you have already passed the FRM Exam.

Once accreditation is awarded, you do not need to retake the exam.


I hope it's not a bug of their system...


New Member
I am not getting it
means how can we say by this that we clear the exam
it doesnt gurantee anything
it mite be happening with everyone else​

Yeah, that's what I mean by "i hope it's not a bug of their system"...
well that just depends on how many of us are getting this message
i m also gettin the same message

may be david can help us bt i m sure even he must b running short of ideas rite now :)


New Member
GARP's site is full of bugs. I can't navigate a single page without being warned about various scripting errors or unsigned certificates!


New Member
I got it. You should choose the option returning candaidate to register for 2010 FRM exam, then if you pass, you will see

FRM Exam Registration

Our records show that you have already passed the FRM Exam.

Once accreditation is awarded, you do not need to retake the exam.
But i am not so sure if this show that I passed FRM 2009


New Member
I'm not sure.I also hope it's not a bug. There are several bugs by the organizer that I met on the way of FRM exam that I am not dare to believe in this. Hope for me, when the result is officially released, it's not heart-breaking.


New Member
Is there anyone by chance check out this way and also saw this message appeared long time ago, before Jan 5th 2010 but after the FRM2009 exam?
I think Garp feel that challenging us by the exam is not enough, they decided to challenge me (or my patient) by the waiting time for result released.
Angry somehow.
hey everyone
check out another way to check whether the link called as "Resume Builder" has started working or not
in my case earlier it used to show the message "you need to clear the FRM to upload your resume"
but now it has started working and i can upload my cv on garp site
any comments??
i guess garp is testing on our innovations of how we can see whther we passes the exam or not ;)


New Member
I just checked the above method and I also got the same result.

FRM Exam Registration

Our records show that you have already passed the FRM Exam.

Once accreditation is awarded, you do not need to retake the exam.

And I tired to register FRM level 2 exam and it said I am not a FRM level 1 paid Candidate. (I took FRM full exam.)
Therefore logically is working. But of course....this kind of checking no guarantee.


New Member
Has anyone checked in as a returned candidate shows a different wording other than "FRM Exam Registration

Our records show that you have already passed the FRM Exam.

Once accreditation is awarded, you do not need to retake the exam.


thanks for shariing!