A very quick point to clarify about Stock Process


New Member
Dear David,

I'd like to clarify with you if the stock process is both a generalized Wiener Process and a geometric Brownian motion?

And how do we call the discrete version of Brownian motion, arithmetic Brownian motion?

Thank you!

Hi Liming,

The stock price dynamic that we study (e.g., the underlies Black-Scholes-Merton) is GBM.
This is John Hull's: dS/S = mu*dt + sigma * dz
The arithmetic Brownian motion simply has dS on the left; but is not typically used b/c it allows the price to become negagive.
Both of these are continuous, clearly.

The other two questions I had to look up, as i do not know:
1. Is GBM generalized Wiener: my library says Weiner process has four properties, consistent with: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiener_process
Clearly, GBM is a Weiner process; it seems to me "generalized" merely adds a drift, and thefore, GBM is a generalized weiner process

2. I am only aware of, and can only seem to find refererence to, "discrete time versions of GBM." GBM isn't discrete, and if the discrete version of has a name, i am not aware
