2021/2022 Curriculum Change Analysis Spreadsheets

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Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Below are the spreadsheets that we prepare every year to analyze the changes in the GARP curriculum from year to year. This analysis shows readings that have been removed, added, and changed. Any readings in red have been removed in 2022, readings in blue are new to 2022, and readings in black are unchanged. Although GARP provides the Study Guide Changes, this XLS actually analyzes all of the changes in the learning objectives also.

* Note that these spreadsheets analyze the changes from 2010-2022 so there are tabs at the bottom for each year.


Active Member
Very nice to see indeed.

I tried to look at the books for any idea of syllabus changes. Apart from the 1 LO change for book Foundations and (none in quantitative methods), I don't see any changes contentwise (number of pages, quick diagonal scan through the pages).

Thanks for the update @Nicole Seaman & @David Harper CFA FRM.
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