2020 Exam Update from GARP (updated on a regular basis)

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New Member
If any of our members are concerned about taking the exams that they are registered for in October or November, please contact GARP member services directly, as others in the forum will not be able to give you advice on this. Also, you will most likely need to wait more than one day for a response from GARP. We are always happy to help if you've waited a long time for a response from them, however, if it has only been one day, it is important that everyone understands that they may not be able to respond immediately.

Hi Nicole, concerning deferral, I had sent a mail to [email protected] on 13 September 2020 and followed up with them on 17 September 2020. I haven't received a response till date (I checked my Spam mail too). In fact, I planned to take the test in May 2020; however, the date was rescheduled to the slot in November 2020 (for Indian candidates) due to COVID-19. I don't have the deferral option available at all. Any advice regarding this?
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Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Hi Nicole, concerning deferral I sent a mail to [email protected] on 13 September 2020 and followed-up with them again on 17 September. I haven't received a response till date (I checked my Spam mail too). I was initially scheduled to take the test in May 2020; however, the date was rescheduled to the slot in November 2020 (for Indian candidates) due to COVID-19. I don't have the deferral option available at all. Any advise regarding this?
Hello @vishno

I wish that I had advice for everyone regarding this because I know it is so stressful. :( GARP has assured me that they are answering all emails, however, they stated that they are receiving A LOT of them as I'm sure you can imagine. They did not give me the date that they are currently on (they are answering emails in the order that they are received), but as of yesterday, it sounded like they had not replied to the emails that were received on September 16th yet. That is only my assumption, as the email that I was following up on was sent on the 16th and they said that it was still in the queue to be answered.

I am sorry that I don't have more information for you. The only other advice that I have is to maybe call them. Member services does have phone numbers that you can call so maybe you would receive a quicker response by calling. Here is the information if anyone would like to try calling them: https://www.garp.org/#!/about/contact-us.


New Member
Hi, let me just preface this by saying I know that this website has nothing to do with the actual scheduling and running of the exams. However, I'd still like to voice my disappointment at the way GARP is dealing with this pandemic and this is probably the best place to do it given that emailing GARP will probably fall on deaf ears.

With cases rising across all of Europe (and elsewhere) it seems irresponsible to continue with the current process. What incentive do people with mild COVID-19 symptoms have to self-isolate if they are going to lose their fee by doing so? I can certainly see many people being selfish enough to go to the exam knowing full well that they'd be potentially infecting others (both on their way to the exam and the exam itself). Remember this is a four hour exam and there might be people taking both levels on the same day.

This is not a cold or the flu which are mildly contagious, not causing a pandemic and you can simply take some medicine to get you through the exam. Or even something else (self-inflicted or not) that will affect only yourself which basically means tough luck, like with everything else in life. This is an abnormal year and the pandemic means that we need to think not only about our own wellbeing but also about our effect on others. Of course, que the posts saying that if I'm so scared I should simply forfeit my fee and re-register for next year's exam. But to those I'll just say that you're missing the point.

In any case thank you and hopefully GARP will soon realise how irresponsible they are being and provide some clarity ASAP.

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Hi, let me just preface this by saying I know that this website has nothing to do with the actual scheduling and running of the exams. However, I'd still like to voice my disappointment at the way GARP is dealing with this pandemic and this is probably the best place to do it given that emailing GARP will probably fall on deaf ears.

With cases rising across all of Europe (and elsewhere) it seems irresponsible to continue with the current process. What incentive do people with mild COVID-19 symptoms have to self-isolate if they are going to lose their fee by doing so? I can certainly see many people being selfish enough to go to the exam knowing full well that they'd be potentially infecting others (both on their way to the exam and the exam itself). Remember this is a four hour exam and there might be people taking both levels on the same day.

This is not a cold or the flu which are mildly contagious, not causing a pandemic and you can simply take some medicine to get you through the exam. Or even something else (self-inflicted or not) that will affect only yourself which basically means tough luck, like with everything else in life. This is an abnormal year and the pandemic means that we need to think not only about our own wellbeing but also about our effect on others. Of course, que the posts saying that if I'm so scared I should simply forfeit my fee and re-register for next year's exam. But to those I'll just say that you're missing the point.

In any case thank you and hopefully GARP will soon realise how irresponsible they are being and provide some clarity ASAP.
Hello @aneco

I do agree that GARP should be more transparent and provide continuous announcements on their website so candidates know what is going on and to provide information on the possibility of deferment to 2021. Can you please tell me where you heard that you will lose your fee by defering to 2021? I am under the impression from an email that we received from GARP, which I shared here in this thread, that candidates who are registered for Oct or Nov 2020 need to contact GARP either by email or by phone. They have stated that they are trying to accommodate those who want to defer due to the pandemic. If you have heard directly from GARP that the candidates are losing their fee, please let me know, because I would like to speak to our contact at GARP regarding this. It is very important that there is no incorrect information shared in the forum (either by us or our members). The virus certainly should not be taken lightly, but there are countries that do not have high numbers, so those countries would be okay to proceed with the exam (with safety precautions in place of course) and that is why GARP is monitoring all countries.


New Member
Hi Nicole, my point is that a deferral would not be possible if for example someone shows symptoms 3 days before the exam. Practically, there must be a cut-off date for deferrals at which point you would be losing your fee if you want to be a responsible member of society.

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Hi Nicole, my point is that a deferral would not be possible if for example someone shows symptoms 3 days before the exam. Practically, there must be a cut-off date for deferrals at which point you would be losing your fee if you want to be a responsible member of society.
Hello @aneco

First, I hope that you realize that I am not disagreeing with you. I do understand your point, and I completely agree that people need to be responsible members of society. I, myself, have followed all social distancing guidelines in the U.S. and hardly left my house for months, so I truly do agree with being responsible. GARP may very well be coming up with a deadline to defer or a policy in the case that someone tests positive 3 days before (which is out of their control), so we have no idea if GARP will provide a free deferment to a candidate in that situation. We just don't want to post information that a candidate will lose their fee if we do not know for sure what GARP's policies are going to be. I do hope that they will be posting more information soon because the last thing we want is for anyone to be caused more stress or to panic, especially if they are continuing to study for the upcoming exams (which is stressful by itself). The pandemic has been extremely stressful for everyone.


New Member
Hi Nicole,
No Indian exam site is mentioned in the list of exam sites. Does that mean that the November exam is going to get postponed again in India or will they add the sites later on.


New Member
Hi, let me just preface this by saying I know that this website has nothing to do with the actual scheduling and running of the exams. However, I'd still like to voice my disappointment at the way GARP is dealing with this pandemic and this is probably the best place to do it given that emailing GARP will probably fall on deaf ears.

With cases rising across all of Europe (and elsewhere) it seems irresponsible to continue with the current process. What incentive do people with mild COVID-19 symptoms have to self-isolate if they are going to lose their fee by doing so? I can certainly see many people being selfish enough to go to the exam knowing full well that they'd be potentially infecting others (both on their way to the exam and the exam itself). Remember this is a four hour exam and there might be people taking both levels on the same day.

This is not a cold or the flu which are mildly contagious, not causing a pandemic and you can simply take some medicine to get you through the exam. Or even something else (self-inflicted or not) that will affect only yourself which basically means tough luck, like with everything else in life. This is an abnormal year and the pandemic means that we need to think not only about our own wellbeing but also about our effect on others. Of course, que the posts saying that if I'm so scared I should simply forfeit my fee and re-register for next year's exam. But to those I'll just say that you're missing the point.

In any case thank you and hopefully GARP will soon realise how irresponsible they are being and provide some clarity ASAP.
I concur with your opinion. They are handling it with least empathy and understanding.

This is what they have replied to me when I asked for a deferral. I am astounded as how do they decide if it's safe for someone or not. It should be an individual decision and this seems more like following a herd rule. This is a very very disappointing reply in my opinion from GARP

Thank you for your inquiry.

GARP continues to closely monitor the status of all exam sites. If the exam is able to be administered safely we will do so. However, should the status of an exam change we will send an email and also post the information onto our designated alert page. I provided the link to said page below. In your case, I would suggest checking it regularly for any updates as it relates to the Mumbai, India site.


New Member

I concur with your opinion. They are handling it with least empathy and understanding.

This is what they have replied to me when I asked for a deferral. I am astounded as how do they decide if it's safe for someone or not. It should be an individual decision and this seems more like following a herd rule. This is a very very disappointing reply in my opinion from GARP

Thank you for your inquiry.

GARP continues to closely monitor the status of all exam sites. If the exam is able to be administered safely we will do so. However, should the status of an exam change we will send an email and also post the information onto our designated alert page. I provided the link to said page below. In your case, I would suggest checking it regularly for any updates as it relates to the Mumbai, India site.
Okay so does this mean that November exam are as per schedule even in India. Because there was no mention of any
Indian site in the list wherein they mentioned the exam sites.

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Hi Nicole,
No Indian exam site is mentioned in the list of exam sites. Does that mean that the November exam is going to get postponed again in India or will they add the sites later on.
No, GARP has not announced any cancellation or postponement of either the October or November 2020 exams.


Active Member
You should not be expecting GARP to be totally on top of this at all...in Hong Kong when the November 2019 exam was to be held..GARP advised students that on the Wednesday before the exam that it was going ahead as planned..then two days later overturned this decision and cancelled the exam in Hong Kong.


New Member
Hi everyone,

I am registered for the November 2020 exam.

Has anyone applied for a deferral to 2021? Is it possible to choose between May, July and November 2021 exams when you defer or is it automatically for May 2021 exam? I have emailed GARP regarding this but no reply yet.




Active Member
Hi everyone,

I am registered for the November 2020 exam.

Has anyone applied for a deferral to 2021? Is it possible to choose between May, July and November 2021 exams when you defer or is it automatically for May 2021 exam? I have emailed GARP regarding this but no reply yet.



EDIT: Meant to quote the above post regarding actions similar to the cancellations in Hong Kong lat year occuring last minute being disappointing here.

A similar decision here would be disappointing.
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New Member
Hi @Nicole Seaman, I have registered for the Oct 2020 Level 2 exam, my exam center is in Cleveland. My brother has tested positive, back in India, and is hospitalized and recovering. My other family members, who live with him, including my aged parents, are in quarantine. I am mentally very stressed and hoping that they don't show any symptoms. I sent a mail to GARP for deferring my exam to May 2021 and spoke to member services over the phone. They asked me to send all documents showing how COVID 19 has affected me directly, and then the committee will decide if I am eligible for deferral. And in case it is approved, I will have to pay $150 for deferral. I am not sure how to prove that COVID 19 had a direct impact on me. However, Once My brother gets discharged from the hospital, I will send his discharge summary and see what they say. But overall, I feel GARP should show some empathy and give the candidates the option to decide when they want to take the test, the way CFA institute did. Not all candidates are in the same situation. Many are suffering mentally and emotionally, as well. And march was too early to decide on the deferral. Besides, I have two small kids, and with the second wave coinciding with the flu season, I feel very apprehensive about taking the exam and risking my kids.

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Hi @Nicole Seaman, I have registered for the Oct 2020 Level 2 exam, my exam center is in Cleveland. My brother has tested positive, back in India, and is hospitalized and recovering. My other family members, who live with him, including my aged parents, are in quarantine. I am mentally very stressed and hoping that they don't show any symptoms. I sent a mail to GARP for deferring my exam to May 2021 and spoke to member services over the phone. They asked me to send all documents showing how COVID 19 has affected me directly, and then the committee will decide if I am eligible for deferral. And in case it is approved, I will have to pay $150 for deferral. I am not sure how to prove that COVID 19 had a direct impact on me. However, Once My brother gets discharged from the hospital, I will send his discharge summary and see what they say. But overall, I feel GARP should show some empathy and give the candidates the option to decide when they want to take the test, the way CFA institute did. Not all candidates are in the same situation. Many are suffering mentally and emotionally, as well. And march was too early to decide on the deferral. Besides, I have two small kids, and with the second wave coinciding with the flu season, I feel very apprehensive about taking the exam and risking my kids.
Hello @manp1216

I just wanted to let you know that I responded to the private message that you sent to me. I am very sorry to hear that your family has gone through this (both your brother being hospitalized and the mental toll that it has had on your family). It is very discouraging to hear that GARP is still charging a $150 deferral fee considering the fact that we are in the middle of a worldwide pandemic. I am very sorry, and I wish that there was something that we could do. :(
From tonight onward, in The Netherlands the max capacity allowed for indoors 'public' spaces is 30. I have my exam on the 24th of October in Amsterdam. I'm worried that this policy directly affects the exam.

I think the only way to circumvent it is if they booked more halls in the convention centre. Or if the people taking the exam is less than 30, which might be possible if most people chose November as the new date instead of October. But there's no way to know that. I'm just worried my study plan will be postponed by a full year...

I hope they give us more certainty soon.
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