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    IMPORTANT Introducing Bionic Turtle's New Interactive Practice Question Platform!

    Hi, is there a date when the qbank is updated to reflect part 2 2024 Operational Risk and Resilience curriculum? As of right now, the chapters and questions seem to be outdated. Unless an error on my part, this thread...
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    IMPORTANT Introducing Bionic Turtle's New Interactive Practice Question Platform!

    Haven't tested the interactive quiz yet but, based on the tutorial video and playing around with it a bit, it looks AWESOME...major improvement, thanks a ton for creating it :)
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    Chapter 7 Correlation Basics EOC question answers missing

    Hi, I am having hard time finding the answers to the GARP 2024 Exam Part II Part 5 Chapter 7 (Correlation Basics) End-Of-Chapter questions. Have they been omitted?
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    FAQ Exam Printed Confirmation of Appointment

    Anybody else have faced this issue with "Appointment Email": I did not receive the email so I called the PSI customer service and they said I haven't received the email since I ticked the box where they asked whether I want to receive their newsletters, ads etc? Then they sent me this email...
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    Terminology of key-rate exposures, Partial '01s, key rate 01s (KR01s)

    @gsarm1987 @David Harper CFA FRM could you please advise if there is something unclear about my message above? My exam is closing fast and I would like to get some clarity in this isuse
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    Terminology of key-rate exposures, Partial '01s, key rate 01s (KR01s)

    @David Harper CFA FRM could you please give some clarity to the questions raised in this thread? @gsarm1987 thank you again for your answer. English isn't my first language, not even my second, and I might be missing some subtleties of the FRM text, but on page 168 of 2023 version of...
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    Terminology of key-rate exposures, Partial '01s, key rate 01s (KR01s)

    Hi @gsarm1987 and thank you for your reply. Some things are still unclear: 1. Are partial 01s and key rate 01s (KR01s) synonyms? 2. Is key-rate framework used for key-rate '01s? 3. If we sum up all KR01's of a bond, do we get DV01? 4. If we sum up all Forward-buckets 01's of a bond, do we get DV01?
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    Terminology of key-rate exposures, Partial '01s, key rate 01s (KR01s)

    Hi, I am wondering what is terminolgy regarding key-rate exposures, Partial '01s, key rate 01s (KR01s)? On page 168 of "Valuation and Risk Models", it is said that "...The impact of shifts, such as the ones shown in Figures 13.2 through 13.4, are sometimes referred to as partial 01s or key...
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    Course Questions about BT Quizzes & PQs

    Thanks Nicole, and apologizes for my choice of words, I wasn't very clear in my previous message. What I meant with "exam questions" is in fact the BT Mock exams found in the BT material. I am in the process of going through my answers to the Mock #1 and I'd wish to avoid starting a new thread...
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    Course Questions about BT Quizzes & PQs

    I just completed the "Part 1 Full Length Interactive Mock Exam 1". I scored 57% which I guess is OK at this point of preparation. But I have a few questions, not so much regarding the actual exam questions but the overall set-up of the exam: 1. It seems as the interactive quiz doesn't allow to...
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    N(d1) option delta (Instructional Video: Option Sensitivity Measures: The “Greeks”)

    If I understand correctly, the d2 is the Z-value to be looked up in the Z-table to find the probability ( i.e. N(d2)) that the strike price is in the money. And d1 is the Z-value to be looked up in the Z-table to find the probability (i.e. N(d1)) that the stock price is above the strike price at...
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    N(d1) option delta (Instructional Video: Option Sensitivity Measures: The “Greeks”)

    Hello, in the video "Instructional Video: Option Sensitivity Measures: The “Greeks”", there is this slide: I am confused as to what normal distribution it refers to? Considering that N(d1) comes out to be 0.522, I understand that in the conditional density function, 52.2% of the values are...
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    P1.T4 "Valuation & Risk Model" EOC 13.14

    question: Suppose that the 12-month and 30-month spot rates are chosen as key rates. Plot the key rate 01 shifts. why is the 12-month shift plotted so that the shift starts from maturity 0 and then starts the decline from maturity 1 (12 months) onwards whereas the plotting the 30.month spot...
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    P1.T4. EOC 12.6 and 12.9

    Question 12.6: Suppose that the duration of a bond position is zero and convexity is positive. Does the value of the bond position increase or decrease when there is a small parallel shift in rates? Answer: It increases. Duration alone predicts no change, but a positive convexity leads to an...
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    Bond prices and forward rate

    Question: The coupon rate on a five-year bond is higher than the forward rate between time 4.5 years and time five years. If forward rates do not change do you expect the bond price to increase or decrease during the next six months? Answer: It will decrease. The decrease in value is the value...
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    P1.T4 "Valuation & Risk Model" EOC 10.14.

    Question: Answer: the forward rate between 1 and 1.5 years is stated as 4.4013% which seems to come from 0.0220066 x 2. However, shouldn't it be (1.00220066^2)-1= 4.4497%?
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    P1.T4 "Valuation & Risk Model" EOC 1.15.

    Question: "The distribution of the losses from a project over one year has a normal loss distribution with a mean of -10 and a standard deviation of 20. What is the one-year VaR when the confidence level is (a) 95%, (b) 99%, and (c) 99.9%?" Answer: (a) 22.9, (b) 36.5, (c) 51.8. Could someone...
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    How to calculate ES (P1.T4.EOC 1.17 and P1.T4.EOC 2.5)

    There seems to be different ways to calculate the ES, depending, for example, whether the returns are continuous or discrete (I think). In P1, T4, Chapter 1 EOC 1.17 the question goes "An investment has a uniform distribution where all outcomes between -40 and +60 are equally likely. What are...
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    Course Errors Found in 2023 Study Materials P1.T3. Financial Markets & Products

    The video for "Instructional Video: Mortgages and Mortgage-Backed Securities" ends at mid-sentence while covering Monte Carlo simulation. Maybe due to an error in video editing, the last learning objective is not covered.
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    Financial Markets and Products, Chapter 13, EOC 13.1

    could someone please explain the bolded part of the answer. How does a naked call option provide any insurance regarding the stock price becoming less than the strike price? question: Give two reasons why it is not optimal to exercise an American call option on a non-dividend-paying stock...