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  1. P

    PRM(IA) any added value after FRM

    Hence my reservations on getting a PRM, it seemingly adds less than a designation in a different area (such as CFA, or perhaps something in IT). i'll think about it though. although I might be better off with CFA (although, i'm seriously not looking forward to that)
  2. P

    PRM(IA) any added value after FRM

    would you hire someone with a FRM and a CFA or rather someone with an FRM and a PRM.
  3. P

    PRM(IA) any added value after FRM

    I've looked at that. It mainly covers FRM vs PRM. My question is more specific to, I have a FRM does it make sense to get a PRM or is a different certificate more waranted. But thanks for replying though.
  4. P

    PRM(IA) any added value after FRM

    is this the wrong section for the question?
  5. P

    PRM(IA) any added value after FRM

    I've just finished my FRM last June and am certified just before September. Just yesterday I was requested to consider doing PRM. Although I'm keen to get another certification I'm quite hesitant to add this to my list of certifications as opposed to a different credential. Although I'm...
  6. P

    FAQ Before Exam Should I sit for both parts on the same day?

    bionic turtle readings are excellent. They go into detail about how to apply the theorie and actually understanding the material... rather than just passing the exam.
  7. P

    FAQ Before Exam Should I sit for both parts on the same day?

    practice is the only way.
  8. P

    FRM certification

    bit late, but I was indeed certified on Tuesday. Nicole has magic fingers I guess :). I'm just in the process of moving to London and... well i just have alot more stuff then I guessed I had. Anyway a new adventure with a new title. What more could anyone ask :)
  9. P

    FRM certification

    Thank you very much... Would be great to have it Tuesday, I'm heading out to London next Thursday starting a new job the Monday after, would be great to be certified before starting the new job.
  10. P

    FRM certification

    4th of july. Only 1 submission. Got the email to confirm it too. I'm just wondering if there really is only one person review this stuff...
  11. P

    FRM certification

    Ok it's been 8 weeks. Just send an email. Hopefully I'll get some feedback... just hope I'll get it soon.
  12. P

    FRM certification

    end this week will be 8 weeks for me. I'm wondering how the status of inik is. Since Nicole followed up on that request.
  13. P

    FRM certification

    where can I find that email adress?
  14. P

    FRM certification

    i've already did that a while ago, they just answer that they have a lot of applications.
  15. P

    FRM certification

    congrats, seems like it'll take a while for me. :(
  16. P

    FRM certification

    i'm a bit more hesitant to take cfa myself. Especially since I'm more in the risk domain and don't even know if I would pass the certification.
  17. P

    FRM certification

    How is everyone doing now? still haven't heard much. getting a bit impatient here :)
  18. P

    Job titles: risk analyst vs manager

    It depends. Country/person etc.. I personally look at the experience rather than the title. But then again, I've had many different titles in many different kinds of positions, so I tend to feel that the title doesn't say anything. (just look at the massive amounts of VP's and Directors in...
  19. P

    FRM certification

  20. P

    FAQ Before Exam Should I sit for both parts on the same day?

    Is there a particular reason you want to sit for both exams in one go? I would probably opt to go with part 1 in Nov. First and foremost, if you don't pass the first exam your second exam won't be graded. Second, you already are planning to do it in May, so you probably don't want to sit for...