PRM(IA) any added value after FRM


Active Member
I've just finished my FRM last June and am certified just before September. Just yesterday I was requested to consider doing PRM. Although I'm keen to get another certification I'm quite hesitant to add this to my list of certifications as opposed to a different credential. Although I'm extremely hesitant to do CFA I feel that it would add more than a PRM and even a TOGAF certification (IT enterprise architecture) would give me more knowledge on a enterprise framework (and thus how risk process should be integrated in an enterprise).

so my main questions I have are:
-Will it take as much effort as an FRM? (it seems much easier with 4 exams)
-Will it add anything to my understanding? (more than taking a different certification such as CFA or TOGAF)
-Will it add anything to my CV? (more than taking a different certification such as CFA or TOGAF)

I'm very much on the edge of Risk, IT and Enterprise Architecture. And very much bordering on finance.


Active Member
I've looked at that. It mainly covers FRM vs PRM. My question is more specific to, I have a FRM does it make sense to get a PRM or is a different certificate more waranted. But thanks for replying though.


Well-Known Member
Firstly as David said above that FRM is more valuable than PRM with greater mkt penetration,greater growth rate, popularity,better job prospects and much bigger market so adding PRM will certainly not add to much value to your CV.
Both exams are similar in terms of learning, i am saying what David is saying so they are similar n difficulty but FRM to me seems tougher seeing the discussion. If you have passed a tougher exam than PRM in terms of risk mgmt. than you have already prove yourself there is no need to prove again by passing PRM and trying to prove that you are very learned.
FRM has already laid the foundations of risk in your mind, giving PRM will only add to the confusion ,please lay them intact there lies something more valuable instead of confusing your mind with more risk stuff.It will not add but certainly create all sorts of pictures of risk , its better to adhere to Frm only. Its like jack of all trades but master of none.
If i were in your place i would avoided PRM and stick to the FRM wholeheartedly.


Well-Known Member
From my perspective, if I was going to choose to hire someone with an FRM or a PRM, I would not assign much difference. That being said, if I were to choose between a candidate with one of the certifications or a candidate with both the FRM and PRM, I would hire the candidate with both, naturally, all else equal.


Well-Known Member
Absolutely - I would hire an FRM and CFA holder over most alternatives.

I also see many senior level executives (within quantitative disciplines) with both the FRM and CFA (which, ironically, is a good portion of my motivation for seeking both the FRM and CFA! - I am a very late starter though!)


Active Member
Hence my reservations on getting a PRM, it seemingly adds less than a designation in a different area (such as CFA, or perhaps something in IT). i'll think about it though. although I might be better off with CFA (although, i'm seriously not looking forward to that)