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  1. M

    FRM MAY PART 1 2013 Feedback

    even I marked it as 10...but was not able to calculate it
  2. M

    FRM MAY PART 1 2013 Feedback

    One on transition matrix....very simple... A.. rated transition to sub investment grade within a year...just add up the below investment probabilities for A rated
  3. M

    FRM MAY PART 1 2013 Feedback

    One on transition matrix....very simple... A.. rated transition to sub investment grade within a year...just add up the below investment probabilities for A rated
  4. M

    FRM MAY PART 1 2013 Feedback

    Hi guys Your first thoughts on the exam part 1 I could recollect some questions Qn on responsibility of the board....answer seems to be increase in share holder value. ..Var calculations.....3 qns...10 day..1day var.. .simple questions on continuous & discrete compounding... one question where...
  5. M

    Shortcut to forward rates (if you have bond prices)

    Hi What i followed from the post is: In case of semi-annual componding: F(3,4)=(p(3)/p(4) -1)*2 & In case of annual compounding: F(3,4)=(p(3)/p(4) -1) correct me if im wrong...also where is the SQRT used in the formula is it for annual compounding? Also David it would be great if you could...
  6. M

    Just received my FRM Certificate!

    Yes (many people from forum) they are right these exams clearing cant find you a job in Hong Kong because if u take the job in Risk Analytics of an iBank is u shud either be MFE or something else like CQF but nothing can be guaranteed. I have also seen people in India also those are clearing...
  7. M

    Practice Question for Risk and Valuation Model -Book 4

    Hello David, atleast for first four chapters we have some question to practice on of 2012 . But on chapter 5,6 we dont have any questions as far as me is concerned we should focus more on that chapters because we can atleast get idea of wat kind of questions can be asked. GARP can give us a...
  8. M

    Practice Question for Risk and Valuation Model -Book 4

    check this link. ... David already told that there will be no pdfs for no change in chapters
  9. M

    Wanna know where you stand in your preparations??

    See my aim is not clear the exam but take up a job in a Risk management. When i was giving my nomura interview they ask me the question like wat is the difference between forex swap and currency swap? They expect you to know this because you are Risk Management student ? if u just look at FRM...
  10. M

    Detailed Blog on Linear Regression

    may be you are right but if u need to understand Multiple regression u should have thorough knowledge about Linear regression.
  11. M

    Detailed Blog on Linear Regression

    I think this blog is better which gives detailed explanation...
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    Wanna know where you stand in your preparations??

    this will be more tough check on this....
  13. M

    Bayes Theorem: two approaches

    hi Abhishek, In the problem it is mentioned that "Other managers(non stars) are just as likely to beat the market as they are to underperform it
  14. M

    Bayes Theorem: two approaches

    Very well explained in detail. Loves the tree approach....