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  1. C

    Exam Feedback May 2017 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    I saw you mentioned 40-45 as a cutoff... That was why I asked you this, no offense.
  2. C

    Exam Feedback May 2017 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    People can feedback from forum discussion what they got for this exam.
  3. C

    Exam Feedback May 2017 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Then have you seen a person who got passed with 40 to 45 out of 80?
  4. C

    Exam Feedback May 2017 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    68 is average of top 5% passed people. every exam has about 2500 to 2800 passed people. So last year cutoff is 68 *0.75 which is over 50. From other forums I got.
  5. C

    Exam Feedback May 2017 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    68 which is avg of top5 percent of 2800 passed people * 0.75
  6. C

    Exam Feedback May 2017 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    last year Nov 16 was 50 whuch was harder than this one
  7. C

    Exam Feedback May 2017 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    B But still it is easy to trace transactiom
  8. C

    Exam Feedback May 2017 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    I also picked this answer but most of them says it is wrong... Our logic looks good right?
  9. C

    Exam Feedback May 2017 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    That is impossible. it maybe around 50-55 out of 80
  10. C

    Exam Feedback May 2017 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    I choose not operated because of barrier of reality.
  11. C

    Exam Feedback May 2017 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    I choose 7.xx% but not sure.
  12. C

    Exam Feedback May 2017 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Do you know what is the answer for Credit VaR with recovery rate 2%?
  13. C

    Exam Feedback May 2017 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Ok. do you know answer for negative interest rate policy?
  14. C

    Exam Feedback May 2017 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    There was a calculation problem for Vasicek.
  15. C

    Exam Feedback May 2017 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Oh I see I thought it should be amount. maybe I am wrong. Thank you.
  16. C

    Exam Feedback May 2017 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Thank you looks like I got it right. Thank you. What about Vasicek model?
  17. C

    Exam Feedback May 2017 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Genralized Extreme value distribution? not amount? Isn't it has to be amount not frerquency?
  18. C

    Exam Feedback May 2017 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Could you show me the calculation? is it Amount - Threshold-minimum ?
  19. C

    Exam Feedback May 2017 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Collateral threshold amount What did you guys choose for this question? Did I have to include minimal transaction amount to calculate this?
  20. C

    Exam Feedback May 2017 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    What was last years' exams cutoff? do you know?