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  1. V

    Exam Feedback October 2020 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    It is but I mean we all exaggerate especially in trying times like these so it's to be expected.
  2. V

    Exam Feedback October 2020 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Probably in my estimation is all the people who actually studied and were prepared and desperate to pass came to the exam. And all the people who didn't or were slackers deferred. So by that logic, I think the pass rate technically SHOULD be higher since it's a pool of more qualified candidates...
  3. V

    Exam Feedback October 2020 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Was one of the other options like....inform/update key stakeholders? This is one (of many) where I kind of narrowed it down to two and option D was the other option. If we're talking about the same question then I chose B, which was to inform stakeholders. Again, not sure if it's right.
  4. V

    Exam Feedback October 2020 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Exactly it'll come down to exactly how they asked for it. Can't quite remember right now (or ever for that matter). Either way, chinanmatalia, it's all good because it's over. I feel like the more I contemplate about this the more I freak myself out. Lost a lot of sleep these last few nights...
  5. V

    Exam Feedback October 2020 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    You sure about that? Isn't the volatility smile saying that for ITM Put that the implied value of the option is worth MORE than actual? Because of tail risk there is a chance of far moves/volatility from like economic crisis/turmoil. Whereas for ITM options, they tend to cover and be more...
  6. V

    Exam Feedback October 2020 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    No they told us to throw away our masks and then gave us these blue/white paper masks to wear. Someone didn't want to wear it and was asked to leave otherwise. So their masks are mando. What was that one question about climate risk? I can't recall what it was. Wasn't quantitative but it was...
  7. V

    Exam Feedback October 2020 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Probably 2/3 theo and 1/3 quant? Even though those ratio's don't go into 80 evenly but it's all a wash in the exam anyways.
  8. V

    Exam Feedback October 2020 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    I can't remember which letter that was. But I think I chose D for this one. There was one easy one I think where it asked about the uses of eMoney and I think I answered that its value is based on Merchants, businesses can support if it has a wide-spread network. Something along those lines...
  9. V

    Exam Feedback October 2020 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    I got stumped on that. Umm...yeah, was it divide by 12 or the sqrt of 12? Gosh i blanked on that one (sigh) Also who else got a feedback e-mail requests from GARP. I'm probably gonna lay it on them pretty rough I think as im still mulling it over how I thought about the exam overall.
  10. V

    Exam Feedback October 2020 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Yeah I think the POT has an extra parameter, I think that's the one I chose, although I was iffy on the other option. What was the other options? I don't think I chose measurement bias. I think I chose the one that had 'early selection bias'? Forgot exactly. But that's the one I chose.
  11. V

    Exam Feedback October 2020 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Yeah I chose a non-zero as well. Because It breached the threshold (un-collateraized amount) so you need to fill it back up to the threshold amount.
  12. V

    Exam Feedback October 2020 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    EXACTLY! But I read the other ones and none of them made any sense to me at all. So I just picked A and moved on. For me, at this question was towards the end and I had skipped the budgeting and Merton Model question so I didn't have time to sit there and meditate an answer haha!
  13. V

    Exam Feedback October 2020 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Ahhh I said barbell but it might be back-loaded.
  14. V

    Exam Feedback October 2020 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    I think they front-loaded this exam similar to the CFA exam. So basically they come out the gate trying to kill you with hard and time-consuming questions (i.e. Merton and Risk budgeting). I, too got like 9mm something when considering returns. I'm not sure why you wouldn't use returns when it's...
  15. V


    Hmm..hard to say. I narrowed quite a bit down to 2 or 3 choices. The more wordy ones freaked me out a little but I tried to keep my cool. I finished about 30 min ahead but had to go back over a handful of skipped ones and weren't really able to crack hardly any. Hope for the best but expect the...
  16. V


    Oh ok, yeah they came by and flipped my passport over MULTIPLE times like it's going to magically change by itself or something. They do the same thing at the CFA exams as well. You know, after this exam, I have these day-dreaming nightmares of relapses of questions. Now that I think about it...
  17. V


    I concur. A lot of defeated looks. Proctors were no joke...they searched everything from my calculars, to my glasses, to my pockets. I could've sworn I was about to get interrogated by the FBI haha! Did you take it in Washington DC if I may ask? We had about 15 candidates we had one person leave...
  18. V


    Nahh...i didn't think so, at least not me.
  19. V


    wow that's a bummer. I will refrain from talking about the exam until Monday. It was hella interesting :)
  20. V

    2020 Exam Update from GARP (updated on a regular basis)

    For anyone taking it in Washington DC...i just called. It's ON LIKE DONKEY KONG BOYS AND GIRLS!