Blog Week in Risk (ending July 17th)

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Low interest rates

Ben Carlson tweeted this funny-accurate observation: "2009-2015: Interest rates are going higher for sure. 2016: Interest rates are staying low forever." Apparently, after years of anticipating an inevitable jump to higher long-term rates, the new "smart" consensus is a resignation that we have entered a prolonged regime of low interest rates. I like Larry Summers' perspective because its grounded in good old fashioned macroeconomics where the interest rate is market clearing rate that balances supply and demand.
Fintech and tech
Banks (Italian banks, Deutsche Bank and a TBTF bank)
Risk Models
Code and Analytics
Regulation and Systemic risk
Book or Book reviews
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My first first time of following (David's) week in risk, very very informative.

Thanks you David for the time you invested in this.

Dieu vous bénisse!!!:)

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
My first first time of following (David's) week in risk, very very informative.

Thanks you David for the time you invested in this.

Dieu vous bénisse!!!:)

I agree that David does a fantastic job of compiling all of this information! I will also be creating a blog post on our website today, as I do with all of David's week in risk posts. This is the link to our blog if you are interested in reading any of his past week in risk articles: :)
