Blog Week in Risk (ending August 21st)

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Regulation (including BIS) and Case Studies
Weather (Louisiana Floods and Climate)
  • How to Measure Anything in Cybersecurity Risk I am really looking forward to reading this latest by Douglas Hubbard because I am a fan of both of his previous books including the highly-regarded How to Measure Anything. The authors website is here
  • Chuck Klosterman on But What If We're Wrong (EconTalk podcast) “So, I want to start with the general question that runs through the book: Why are we so confident about so many things that are likely to turn out to be incorrect?”
  • PwC on trial for not spotting $2.9bn fraud (Reputational damage looms as firm’s US arm says it was duped by ‘dedicated’ gang) “The biggest ever trial of an audit firm has a lot of lurid elements: a $2.9bn fraud, carried out over years, in which cash was looted to pay for a corporate jet, a seaplane and a vintage car collection. But the jury is basically being asked to answer a simple question: did PwC do all that it could to stop it?”
  • A clubby oligopoly that is overdue for reform “Fifteen years after the collapse of Enron, the big names in the corporate auditing sector are once again under the microscope. This week, a Florida jury has been hearing testimony in a $5.5bn lawsuit against PwC, the largest civil claim against a Big Four accounting firm to reach trial.”
  • Who Would Win a Currency War? No One by Satyajit Das
  • Two Lingering Suspicions About Economic Statistics “One is that the government numbers are unnaturally smooth, the other is that they suffer from what economics-data skeptic John Williams charmingly dubs “Pollyanna creep,” the tendency of statistics agencies to make adjustments that -- on balance, over the decades -- leave the data looking rosier than the economic reality.”