VAR and Auto corelation

Hi David,

Below is the question from Jorion:

Q. Consider a portfolio with a one-day VAR of $1 million. Assume that the
market is trending with an autocorrelation of 0.1. Under this scenario, what
would you expect the two-day VAR to be?
a. $2 million
b. $1.414 million
c. $1.483 million
d. $1.449 million

Ans:c) Knowing that the variance is V(2-day) = V(1-day) [2 + 2ρ], we find
VAR(2-day) = VAR(1-day)

2 + 2ρ = $1

2 + 0.2 = $1.483, assuming the same
distribution for the different horizons.

Can you please throw some light on this concept . the formula is V(2-day) = V(1-day) [2 + 2ρ], here 2+ will be the number of days to which VAR is extended or it is constant? In question if autocorrelation is not give, so do we assume it to be 0.??

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi snigdha,

It's just a different way to (IMO) the easier way to view this: as a two-asset portfolio VaR, but instead we are just combining the two assets over time.

2-asset VaR = SQRT[VaR(1)^2 + VaR(1)^2 + 2*VaR(1)*VaR(2)*correlation]. In this case,
2-asset VaR = SQRT[1 + 1 + 2*1*1*0.1] = 1.483

i.e., since it's just two periods, autocorrelation is the same as regular correlation
