Type of questions expected from "Expected returns and the Arbitrage Pricing Theory" by Grinold


New Member
Hi David

Can you please put some light on the type of questions expected from "Expected returns and the Arbitrage Pricing Theory" by Grinold in your view ?
I do not have any clue about this reading after reading it. Everything kinda look theoretical.


David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi Rahul,

It's a good question b/c (i) the chapter is newly assigned (versus Grinold 17, which repeats) and (ii) I did not see a single query about APT/this chapter on the FRM sample exam (?!). The best we can do is lean on the AIMs. In particular, IMO, I can imagine questions re: the first four:

* Describe limitations and deficiencies in the CAPM.
* Define and describe the components of the Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT) model.
* Calculate a security’s expected excess returns using the APT model and interpret the results.
* Discuss the relationship between APT and the CAPM

For paid members, mastery here can be achieve by understanding my learning XLS
located @ http://www.bionicturtle.com/premium/spreadsheet/1.a.5._grinold_apt_7.1_7.2/
(which is also reviewed in the video tutorial; my XLS is merely a blended re-creation of Tables 7.1 and 7.2).

So, my first "tip" here is study tables 7.1 & 7.2; to understand these, I think, requires mastery of the four AIMs above.

In a nutsell, for our practical purpose, APT is merely a generalization of CAPM. So, you've likely seen CAPM questions; e.g., solve for expected excess return given beta and excess market return (equity premium). The analogous APT question would be something like:

* Given the following factor returns (e.g., ROE) and the following factor exposures, what is the stock's expected excess return?

(that's my prediction for a question....see how that is question about the 3rd AIM, the only calc AIM here?)

okay, my second "tip," because personally i find Grinold challenging throughout, to the extent you want to drill deep on this marginal chapter, is to get hold of Amenc Chapter 6 on APT. (the Chapter 4 CAPM is assigned). Amenc Chapter 6 was previously assigned and gives a more accessible intro to APT (and since prior APT questions drew from this source, you are likely to be hitting testable material anyway)

Hope that helps, David