Hi, I also have another question, what is the correct way of studying?

I have been going in the following sequence:

1) watch video
2)study notes
3)do practice problems.

Also, how much are we suppose to retain from studying the notes. Are we expected to know the details on everything from the notes?

There is no "correct" way. It's a function of several variables:
  • How do you learn best (audio, visual, etc)?
  • How familiar are you what the material, what's your background?
  • How much time do you have to commit up until the exam?
  • What is your main goal at the end of the day (e.g. just pass the exam, gain a deeper understanding, or a bit of both)?
There are several books and research out there on the most effective or efficient way to study, but I still think it's more of an art than a science. Some "universal" principles that have helped me personally --
  • Start as early as you can
  • Try explaining a concept to someone else, if you can't articulate it then you don't really understand it
  • Nothing is an "isolated" example or concept -- try to fit in the bigger picture, make connections
  • Making some sort of "plan" or organization sequence helps
Here is one plan of attack for each reading or section:
  1. Make some sort of plan or schedule that accomplishes the following:
    1. Covers all material you are expected to know in a reasonable time frame
    2. Gives you time to revise and do practice exams
  2. Read the GARP Learning Objective -- so you have a clear picture of what you're supposed to know
  3. Skim through the BT Notes for the topic (so you have a rough understanding, don't worry about details -- go for higher-level picture)
  4. Watch the BT Video for the said topic
  5. Go back and read the BT Notes more carefully now (taking note of detail and writing down formulas)
  6. Do Practice Problems for that reading
  7. Mark the problems you got wrong and if it is a similar concept you struggle on, go back to reading and understand it better (or use forum as a resource for that for particular question/topic)
  8. Come back a few weeks later to skim through notes to revise memory and if extra ambitious mark problems you got wrong and re-attempt it
  9. (Extra) Go a step beyond and try to "model" the problem or solution outside the scope of the exam -- e.g. write code or spreadsheet; or create a generalized solution -- Not needed to simply "pass" the exam
Hi there,
FRM new comer and new BT member here - professional membership. I am getting lost in all the questions there are on offer. Is there a condensed and easily navigable questions pdf available please? For e.g. P1.T2 Quant is 240 pages long and many of those questions are previous ones. Additionally, it is bit of pain to solve a question, then scroll three pages to find answers.
How do other members do it? Or am I missing something obvious here?
Also other experienced users can shed some light on their study strategy, that would be very useful. For example, I am doing Video->Read Notes->Read chapter(if I don't fully understand) -> practice questions. The last part is the slowest because most of the time I struggle to find the relevant questions from the chapter in forums or in pdf.

Hi there,
FRM new comer and new BT member here - professional membership. I am getting lost in all the questions there are on offer. Is there a condensed and easily navigable questions pdf available please? For e.g. P1.T2 Quant is 240 pages long and many of those questions are previous ones. Additionally, it is bit of pain to solve a question, then scroll three pages to find answers.
How do other members do it? Or am I missing something obvious here?
Also other experienced users can shed some light on their study strategy, that would be very useful. For example, I am doing Video->Read Notes->Read chapter(if I don't fully understand) -> practice questions. The last part is the slowest because most of the time I struggle to find the relevant questions from the chapter in forums or in pdf.

@Jay Kent

Note that I moved your question to the Study Guide thread, as it may be helpful for you to read through other member's study plans. All of our practice questions are organized in PDFs in the study planner under their corresponding topic and reading. Please note that they do NOT follow the GARP books, which may be causing some of the confusion. We organize our study planner according to the GARP syllabus (Part > Topic > Reading).

You should not have to be searching the forum for specific practice questions because on the answer page of each PDF, the forum links are provided for those specific practice questions. If you want to discuss those questions or need additional help understanding the concepts, you can click on that forum link to go directly to that practice question in the forum.

Regarding the previous practice questions that are available in the PDFs, we are always adding new practice questions. This helps to ensure that you are studying the most up-to-date concepts, as GARP adds learning objectives to the curriculum each year. Some members choose to only study the newest practice questions and don't bother with the previous questions unless they have extra time. It is up to you to determine how much time you have to study and decide if you want to go through all of the previous practice questions. You can easily see which practice questions are the newest (1) we always put the newest practice questions at the top of the question set pdf (2) we label our practice questions according to the year that David writes them (9xx = 2019, 8xx = 2018, 7xx = 2017, etc).

I hope this helps to answer your questions!

Hi ,

I would like to run for the session of May 2020, but I find any rev study spreadsheet for 9 months.

I have wife and kids that the reason why i need to start that early.

Do you have any of this spreadsheet?

Hi ,

I would like to run for the session of May 2020, but I find any rev study spreadsheet for 9 months.

I have wife and kids that the reason why i need to start that early.

Do you have any of this spreadsheet?

Hello @Racoon971

We do not provide a study review spreadsheet, as Bionic Turtle is a self-study program, which means that our members create their own study plan that works for them. We have many members who have a full-time job and a family who are studying for the FRM exam. Some of them have posted their study plans in this thread (make sure to read through all 9 pages of this thread). This may help you to create a study plan that works for you.


I have two month to prepare for FRM part 1. Is it sufficient to study using Bionic's materials ( study notes , practice questions , videos etc...) to pass the exam. If not , what are the other essential materials I should also study .

Many thanks and awaiting your kind advice
Dear All,

Kindly let me know the last minute topics to read from credit , operational market and RMIM and current issues as the time is less
Dear All,

Kindly let me know the last minute topics to read from credit , operational market and RMIM and current issues as the time is less
requesting David to reply

Hello @javal123

As Detective mentioned above, the topics that you are referring to take up a large portion of the Part 2 curriculum. GARP provides the learning objectives for each reading in the curriculum in order to prepare you for the concepts that will be tested on the exam. We highly encourage our members to go through all of the materials that we provide for each topic in order to ensure that you are prepared for the exam. We do not know better than anyone else exactly which concepts GARP will test on the exam. That is why it is very important that you follow the learning objectives that they provide in order to make sure you have learned the concepts in each of those topics. I've moved your question to this study plan thread, which may help you in creating a study plan to follow for the last two months before the exam.

Thank you,

Sorry I don't know if this ir the right place to ask or post this question but I am looking forward to know that I planned to appear for frm part 1 and 2 in may 2020, would that be a wise decision ?What should be my strategy and what book list would be helpful.
a bit of guidance would be wonderful thanks.
Sorry I don't know if this ir the right place to ask or post this question but I am looking forward to know that I planned to appear for frm part 1 and 2 in may 2020, would that be a wise decision ?What should be my strategy and what book list would be helpful.
a bit of guidance would be wonderful thanks.

Honestly, unless you are in some dire rush, I would do not do two parts on same day. Each exam is 4 hours long and can be somewhat mentally exhausting. About 40-45% who take it pass part 1 and 50-60% for part 2. For books just follow their study guide or buy third party prep like Bionic Turtle and read their notes instead. It can be done, and I don’t want to discourage you since you might have a strong background already. Personally I wouldn’t because they don’t bother grading part 2 unless you pass part 1.
Honestly, unless you are in some dire rush, I would do not do two parts on same day. Each exam is 4 hours long and can be somewhat mentally exhausting. About 40-45% who take it pass part 1 and 50-60% for part 2. For books just follow their study guide or buy third party prep like Bionic Turtle and read their notes instead. It can be done, and I don’t want to discourage you since you might have a strong background already. Personally I wouldn’t because they don’t bother grading part 2 unless you pass part 1.

Thank you for advice. Have you cleared frm what was your strategy
Thank you for advice. Have you cleared frm what was your strategy
Only part 1; taking part 2 in November. My strategy was and is to read and do practice problems. I think doing practice problems is arguably more helpful to simulate exam like conditions.
Only part 1; taking part 2 in November. My strategy was and is to read and do practice problems. I think doing practice problems is arguably more helpful to simulate exam like conditions.

You just did practice problems nothing more ? No books nothing.
I got fail in frm part 1 in nov 2018
I need better study planner should i go for bionic turtle professional plan for my may 2020 exam

Is that enough for me
Hi All,
I would like to know the preparation strategy for FRM Part I. Any help in this regard is highly appreciated.
1. I understand, there are chapters which are interrelated with each topic, so which chapters go hand in hand?
2. I am planning to refer to FRM provided material as well, so it is good to read their material first before reading the study material provided by BT?
3. When referring BT materials, should I watch the video first and then go to the study material or vice versa?
Many thanks in advance!